Posted by Dawie Bezuidenhout
Nov 7, 2010

This is getting a bit RIDICULOUS, people approving profile pics of cartoon characters and some other CRAP. The list is too long to mention all.

Does this look like a real photo of a person to you.......

What about this one.......

And this one......

One more.....

I just can't resist......

What do these pictures above have in common?

Not one is a photo of an actual person, the closest thing to human is the Peacock.

The top picture have been approved a couple of minutes ago, this is a privilege given to members who reach level three, that privilege will soon dissapear if some of you carry on like this. What is it that you don't understand about a personal photo of yourself.

Clearly the people that approve these pictures don't deserve that privilege, goes to show you the points next to your name means actually nothing, nada, ZIP.

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Comments (25)
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

@Ona Lynne That's fine just make sure it is a picture of you.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Ona Lynne Nass

Hello. I'm new....from South Africa. No pic for a couple of hours. Pc crashed so I have to reload pics from DVD's.

Apr 25, 2011 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I just realized what you meant about level 4 members. I'm level 3. How many level 4 members are there ?

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Bill, i have thought long and hard about this issue, and i think you suggestion to raise it up to level 4 members is a fair one.

We can't expect admin to do all the work, and it is a good incentive to get the members more actively involved in contributing to APSense as a whole.

Maybe Wincer can add a funtion to see who approved the pictures as well, will make it easy for them to then tell those members as to the criteria that is needed. (Just a thought)
I think the problem will continue e

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

I know there are some people that are posting in this thread that think I am too hard but, I honestly think that those people are starting to understand why I have been so for the last 3 years.

Now If there are enough voices that back the change I proposed to correct the issues then I can take this to Wincer and show him that it is not just me that wants the change and he does listen rest assured.

Now Dawie proposes putting it back to admins only to control these things. This is a fair com

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I'm listening. It's only last week that I realized I can choose "yes" or "no" when showed a profile picture. Many times, I click no, unfortunately. People must realize this is not FaceBook or Twitter here, there are serious IM people.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Harold Baughman

Dawie - you make a 'GREAT' watch-dog.....Unfortuately, is anyone listening?

& you're correct - the 'PEACOCK' IS the closest to being human.....


Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

My first impression is that they have something to hide, so therefore i don't do business with fictional characters.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Warren Contreras

Old Retired Guy

I did spend some time a while back questioning people who post non-personal photos on another website and would you believe the almost unanimous fear was that someone would find them and harassment could ensue. Like out of the BILLIONS of people out there, someone would take your photo and canvas the planet so they could track you down to inflict personal harm.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

It's definitely not working as it is.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Absolutely waste of time for anyone who has any concept of marketing to post and have a picture approval by the rest of the members.............this is absolutely abuse of our system......

NO ONE BUYS FROM CARTOON CHARACTERS........if your not serious of what you are doing then l think l will introduce a NEW SECTION FOR THE TALENT ARTIST THAT YOU ALL ARE......then you can play there all you want..........sounds fair!!!

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Hi Bill, that is why i wanted to know how many members join APSense daily, just on average. Maybe it should become admins baby alltogether.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

i am going to get the requirement changed from 3and above to 4 and above and see if that stops it. If not then the task will be taken away from members all together.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

It's kind of hard to do much about it when they get in because there are people here who have been using the same avatar for years. There was a time when it was fine ad those people are branded with their avatars and 'grandfathered' in. I'm not sure what we can do unless they spam you or something. As Dawie suggested you might want to tell them they will have better luck with their own photo.

However blatantly inappropriate photos and celebrity photos should be reported. Just scroll to th

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Sam Djimun

XO Blogging

@dawie, Ok I'll try it. thanks

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

@Sam, i don't think you have to be that drastic unless they start spamming you. If you want you can contact them and advise them that they will have a better success rate here when they change their photo to a real one. That is what i usually do, if you can't convince them let me know, i am sure we will find a way to get this problem sorted out.
What do you think Cheryl?

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Sam Djimun

XO Blogging

So what we have to do when we know that they've already in our list / network? should we block this member?

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

LOL! Katrina that was my first thought too! I just happened to be on Skype with (Bill Brown) Bjantiques at the time and evidently they tried it more than once because we both declined it within a minute!

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Ian Begg

Marketer, Engineer

Couldn't agree more, well said.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


Personally I disapprove all cartoons, logos, pictures without a head and pictures that i know that they are not that person (mr bean, images from graphics packs). And pictures that are not appropriate for a business site (in bathing suit or bikini)

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
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