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Note I say suggestions, that is because you will hold the decision to implement my suggestions or not.
I have been on the Internet since 1998 I am co owner of
Assistant to the owner.
Mar 2003 to Apr 2005I spent two years learning with the owner of PMG. but due to personal issues he decided to terminate the business. This lef my current business partner and I with no hosting for our sites. Hence the Birth of Lowcost-webspace.
Co Owner
Apr 2005 to PresentAfter spending 2 years learning the hosting business I joined forces with my business partner and started up
Jun 2007 to Aug 2011Was administrator for APSense from it's beginning to I resigned last year as my morals/and ethics code would not allow me to accept the direction in which the management was tacking the company. However I am still a member.
Oct 2009 to PresentLowcost-backup is an online backup service for website owners. The content of the web site and all its sub domains, and add on domains, plus all databases are backed up onto our servers daily and totally automatically. All db's are optimized weekly.
Oct 2011 to May 2013I was invited to join the board of directors and after careful consideration accepted the position. I am now a partner. Update 2013-10-19 Kooiii is no longer in existence.
May 2007
I am new to internet marketing and I like to commend senior members for providing excellent tools and advice to help me and others like me make a bett...
u have a nice knowledge i expect many to learn from u
I have knowing Bill Brown since 2007, we met and shared many different concepts at APSense, and we have communicated at many different levels in our p...
Bill contacted me and offered his services. I appreciate that. He didn't put his url in the email and try to sell me on anything. I plan to take him u...
very exciting for me to know mr. bj, from whom I learn more about apsense, he gave a completely correct solution can be applied include when I asked h...