
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time., Last online: 1 month ago

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My simple purpose is to inspire individuals to succeed. I recently wrote an eight-part email marketing series to help organizations write outstanding client communications. Understanding these feasible and effective methods helps one find an advertising niche. Optimizing articles for Google search engines and writing SEO-friendly content takes time. Just network marketing defines effectiveness. Before it closed, I earned a solid living at the same company for eleven years. As the saying goes, network marketing eliminates all major benefits. Many people in this profession have succeeded with my help. I have dedicated the majority of my life to my other hobby. Giving my clients quality work is a learning process; you get better at what you love. Mentorship, training, and three-way interactions improve my talents. As "trainer" for the Greater Toronto Area Chapter of the General Motors Dealers Association, I taught salespeople and managers how to sell. I conducted dealership-wide feasibility assessments and created marketing strategies to improve sales and fixed operations efficiency. I gave each department a strategic plan that changed their thinking, improving morale and finances. Each department profited from the adjustments. I've changed my life outlook since retiring. I'm quite busy with many projects I adore. Since returning from vacation in mid-February, I've owned a Kindle eBook. This book comforts many travelers who don't know how to charter a car without taking it off. The ebook is Top Tips on Renting a Car in Europe: Everything You Need to Know Before Leaving. I have dedicated the majority of my life to my other hobby. Giving my clients quality work is a learning process; you get better at what you love. Life is short; every day brings new adventures. Reality will soon become a mystery, either disappearing or becoming history. Improve yesterday's performance through strategic play. You can attain any goal if you follow that philosophy. Take action.


  • General Manager
    Sep 2009 to Present

    Have worked in the automotive industry for over 25 years, l have enjoyed it at all capacity. From Sales to Marketing, from Local Business to the International level. I am now concentrating more on the administrated level, financial and marketing.

  • Owner and Operator
    Sep 2009 to Present

    Creating an image with the automotive industry with my 30 plus year of experience, educating my customers on how to save on their vehicle repairs is part our process. Keeping their vehicles running at peak performance saves them money and keeps th

  • senior Partner
    Sep 2011 to Present

    Credibility with This company The London Bullion Market is the most important off-exchange trading centre for gold and silver, and one of the major global commodity trading places in London. It states since 1919 the world market price for gold, and s

  • Joined
    Sep 2007
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  • Joseph has been around on APSense for 6 years now and he has gained a good reputation. He is always willing to help out new members and point them in ...

  • superb comment " No one can ever be accurate, regardless of how much effort and diligence's you apply to your research on your investment. Gold has al...

  • avatarLee L.

    Joseph has been a great friend and mentor since about 2008. He is a man of integrity and that's why I joined him in Karatbars in 2013. Unfortunately...

  • Joseph has done a great job introducing and discussing t a wide variety of products and systems to help anyone create and grow a business

  • I want to thank Joseph for introducing me to Apsense! His information is spot on and i continue to learn from Joseph.