Contact Info
Jeffreys Bay
I am currently residing in beautiful Jeffreys Bay "Surfing Capital of South Africa".
I love all things computer related, hardware, software, networking, servers, you name it i have worked on it. This is my business and the way i make my living. From the early days of commodore 8296 through the Xt, At era, the 286's to 586, from pentium1 to P4, i have worked extensively with all, done repairs, assembled from scratch.
I am very passionate and motivated when it comes to my business
Jul 2009
Hi Dawie, Very good to meet you. I like straight talkers and people who are interested in learning and helping others. You are an inspiration to n...
Hello, It is nice to meet people on this social network that are entrepeneurs.
Hi Dawie - Awesome profile, I like Dawie's straight talking and imformative posts and look forward to being able to exchange Knowledge and tips with h...
Hi there, I enjoy very much your comments on many of the Apsense places I visit. You seem to know what you are talking about and I have learned so mu...
Dawie, Your ceaseless efforts against spam and scams are building an amazing catalog of resources for members to use to protect themselves form Scams...