Posted by Dawie Bezuidenhout
Oct 25, 2010

Have you ever been involved in a discussion with someone who kept repeating things you already know over and over and over. Annoying, isn't it.

This happened to me today, and thinking about it i thought this applies to Blogging as well. I like reading, but i see this happening more and more. People blogging about the same topic over and over again. If you keep repeating stuff, or stuff that has been blogged and written about extensively by other bloggers, you will start to bore the readers and start looking like a copycat. You don't want that, it will damage your image and your followers will move on to another person that has something unique to offer.

The second thing i want to point out is this oneliner Blog posts or banners as content. If you start a new Blog and you look to the right of the screen what is the first tip written in red. "Contents should not be blatant advertising!" What is it about that statement that so many clearly don't understand or just blatantly disregard. The rules are their to be obeyed by everyone not just a select few.

The majority of members at APSense write excellent content of true value and it is a pity that many of those posts never get seen because of all the rubbish that clutters this section.

So the next time before you hit the "PUBLISH" button, evaluate what you have just written and think if your readers will read it or if they would get the urge to say "DUDE (GAL), TELL ME SOMETHING I DON"T KNOW!"

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Comments (23)
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Paula created a RevPage about Traffic Sword, you think it's to fight people who are driving mad ? :)

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

@Philippe, thanks for joining the anti-scam group.
My weapon of choice used to be the R-1 Rifle in my army days, of no use to me online, so i reverted to the "power of the pen(keyboard in this case)" i heard somewhere it is "mightier than the sword", seems to be true.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Dawie, I agree, the radio buttons are definitely a plus, and they cover everything, so far. It takes just a minute to do 4 or 5 reports on a thread. Yes, to everyone who reads this, if I see 4 or 5 abuses, I will report them all. Was against spammers is not over. Yet. Where is my sledgehammer ? Ok, there, right beside RamboCheryl's M-60. BTW, Daryl, what is your weapon of choice ?

Lord, people will believe I live in Texas. Hi, Charlton Heston, I hope you understand I'm kidding when I mention

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

@Abdul, what about me ? I write good too. :(

Just kidding...

@Cheryl, my percentages of abuse reports are about the same as you. Thanks for saying it was the comment by Gary Coleman, i wouldn't have remembered otherwise, you didn't imitate his voice properly. ;)

I remember he was saying in every episode, and not always to Willis, it was a running gag, worked every time, his voice and face expression were priceless. :) Sad what happened to him, IIRC

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Iyep Abdul Rozak


You are right dawie, when I was looking for information and see things over and over it seems boring, like looking in a trash can. Blogs are an outpouring of heart and ideas fresh.
So far I am still observing the activity at Apsense, and find you, BJ, Cheryl is always good writing and good at reading.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

No fair! Phillipe gets to report himself and all I can do it delete me! And yes I love the much easier click on the reason. 50% of what I report is plagiarism 20% ads and links 10% unrelated to post and 20% is "What you talking about Willis?"

If you've every heard of Gary Coleman you more than likely got that.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

I like the new feature where you don't have to type the same old reason over and over, much easier. I am of to dreamland, i keep doing this, the sun is up and i am going to sleep.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

ROFL oops was about to click "post comment", would have been reported for abuse, Lord knows I do it many times a day, reporting abuse I mean, but never did it for one of my own posts. :D

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Philippe, you can just swing wildly in all directions, you are bound to get some good results. Lots of Joe Rockheads, especially in the blogging section.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

We must keep creating these blogs saying "hey guys, here is what to do to be taken seriously in IM" or "here is what NOT to do". Great idea, the capital letters. :)
Informative and inspiring as always, Dawie.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

Here I am. Where do I hit ? LOL

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Cheryl seems to me not enough people have seen this post, aaarrgghg what am i thinking, they tend to ignore posts with more than one line of text.
I can't believe i missed this last comment of yours, you had me in stitches. JOE ROCKHEAD we need Philippe's sledge hammer for those.

Nov 10, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Unfortunately Some people are related to Joe Rockhead, Nothing will penetrate their brains!

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Hi Cheryl, you can post your articles daily because it is a source of information, and i know what you mean.
Some topics need to be repeated to get the message accross.

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

not claiming any credits for this one. I get tired of it too but in some cases getting the point across on important stuff can be like trying to fill a bucket with water when the bottom is full of holes!

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Josh Hennion

Team Leader with S.F.I.

Nice post Dawie, blogging is like lfe in general i reckon. After a while you run out of stuff to talk about so you have to keep repeating yourself, lol

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Sean North


too true Dawie, unless of course they're copy and pasting them from somewhere else as well

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Laura Mound

Home based business

What a great and helpful article

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Sean, that good titles show us that they can write, and therefore they must be able to read, it just shows us that they are stubborn and unethical, they are clearly above the rest of us because the rules don't apply to them.
Then they wonder why the success rate online is only 3%.

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Sean North


doesn't it just you come across a juicy looking title then you get in side and nothing but a link or some copied and pasta'd text riddled with links to unrelated pap, GRRRR, ok I'm calm now rant over

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
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