The Power Of Thanks

Posted by Dawie Bezuidenhout
Nov 22, 2010

I recieve many emails each day, most are related to my offline business. Some are spam and junk, and then there hides the ones to Treasure, because of its wonderful message. Today my sister send me one of those that i want to share with all of you, i know you will like this one.

The Power of Thanks

If you were like me growing up, when it came to accepting presents or gifts from others, your parents may have told you, "No, you can not accept that." They told you this for a variety of reasons, but the message was clear. You should not accept gifts. To further complicate things you may have grown up hearing the old adage "It is better to give than to receive."

Of course, there is great value in giving to others. This is especially true when gifts in whatever form are given from the heart. But let us flip things around a bit.

Let's say that you've spent a lot of time and effort trying to find that perfect gift for someone, or you went the extra mile to make someone happy. Now, what if they turned to you as you were handing them this gift and said to you, "I can not accept this. Sorry."

You'd feel deflated, maybe even hurt. Has this ever happened to you? It has to me, and I can not fully describe the enormous feeling of disappointment that accompanied this.

The power of gratitude and appreciation is a great power indeed. It opens doors and new possibilities in your life. The Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like". If you are gracious and appreciative and let others know it, the positive energy you create will attract more positive things to you.

Close your eyes and imagine having that gift that you know a loved one wants in your hands. It is beautifully wrapped and your loved one can tell the care and thought that went into it. As she opens it, a large smile crosses her face. She hugs you and thanks you profusely. You well up with pride and appreciation. Something else happens...a desire to want to do it again.

We are creatures of habit. If a person remembers a positive experience in association with you and attaches it to a particular act, they are more apt to repeat that act. Appreciation and gratitude are so important.

These acts don't have to be big. They can be a short note saying thank you, a handshake and a smile, a small gift or token of your appreciation. Remember that like attracts like. Appreciation begets appreciation.

A friend was telling me he was eating in a restaurant the other day and the waitress provided adequate service. Yet he gave her a generous tip. Her reaction was a frown as she stuffed it in her pocket and walked away. His initial reaction was to never go back to that restaurant, and if he did, he probably would not tip as well the next time, should he get that particular waitress. If she had simply smiled or had said thank you, my friend's initial attitude and memory of the interaction would have been different.

Being gracious and appreciative when you interact with others can bring great things back to you in your life. In fact, the simple act of saying thank you to someone is, in essence, giving them a gift back.

Article Written By: Eva Gregory

Eva Gregory, Law of Attraction expert, speaker and author of The Feel Good Guide To Prosperity and Life Lessons for Mastering the Law of Attraction with Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hanson and Jeanna Gabellini, is regularly featured on radio and in the media and is a recognized authority on the Law of Attraction. To receive her free ezine visit

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Comments (17)
Gabriela Raine

website analyst

Great job, The power of gratitude and appreciation is really evry strong and we should smile to face the world.For a better world

Jan 21, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Today I read a wonderful article related to this one. It was titled "The power of Kindness" posted by VikkiLee. article/159269.html

Dec 22, 2010 Like it
Gautam Jain


It is wonderful article written by Eva, it reminds me about the movie "Secrets" in which law of attraction has been explained by real people life incidents. Thanks Dawie for sharing, it is really peaceful article.

Dec 10, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Thanks for all the positive comments, and a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to you all.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Cristina Acoymo

thanks to u...

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Sean North


Thanks for this excellent post Dawie, it should remind us all of the tools we all possess and often forget to use. such little things that can mean so much to others, a smile, a thank you, a kind word or deed.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
MakubeX S.

Web Designer, Student, Nurse

Great article.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Rolando M.


one of the best blog i read,

thank you on this

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Linda Emerick

This is one of the most pleasant blogs that I have read.
Always treat others as you want to be treated.

Happy Thanks Giving to you!!!

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

It's my pleasure Paula Lee, Happy Thanksgiving to you too.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Paula O.


Great article. We need to do this more.........thanks and Happy Thanksgiving.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

@Paula, you are so right Paula, it is the small things we do for each other, like your example, that brings out the best in people, and appreciation goes a loooong way.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

@Genesis, "you shouldn't have" can sometimes mean different things, best way to examine if it was sincere or sarcastic would be to study that persons body language and facial expressions. Now i am sounding like a FBI examiner.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


Doing something nice and positive can be very simple. FE. sometimes I notice a link in a campaign does not work. Than I notify the owner of that campaign because I would also appreciate if people would notify me. 9 out of 1o time they write a thank you note

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Karen L.

Personal Development

I've had the "you shouldn't have" comment made to me after taking time out of my day to pick out a present for someone's birthday... were they being modest? I'm not sure but it certainly took some of the excitement I felt doing it away... I've never bought another present for that person because I'm still not sure if they actually meant "you shouldn't have" or if it was just a figure of speech... ?

"An attitude of Gratitude creates more" This article is a great reminder. Thank you!

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

A smile is worth a thousand words, another one of my favourites.

Yes Philippe, that "Thank You" is two of the most powerful words when spoken with sincerity, to both parties.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
Philippe Moisan

Tutorial videos, sci-fi writer

I don't like the Law of Attraction, but I was interested in reading yout blog, Dawie, cause it reminded me I read about the power of gratitude in Brian Tracy's excellent Maximum Achievement. Thanks for reminding me of the subject. Thanking people adds a feeling of peace into my heart, even if the person doesn't acknowledge it. I learned not to have expectations when I say "thanks", it helps to appreciate even more those who smile at you when you do.

Nov 23, 2010 Like it
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