
Paula O.

entrepenuer, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

Hi, I am a nurse who is getting close to retirement. And when I look at the state of the economy and the amount of my retirement, I realize that either I will never retire(need to retire sometime I have the knees of an 80 year old....LOL....per the doctor......but he doesn't know I drink Xango and that juice is powerful). Anyway, lets face it bedside nursing can be tough, emotionally and physically! So, if I retire, then what? Some of my nurse friends went back to nursing part-time. But this


  • Blogging
    Feb 2009 to Present

    I started my own wordpress blog and have been blogging with it for a few years. I have been sporadic, but presently am back to blogging (if another computer doesn't crash). LOL. Anyway, this blog is more biz related

  • Paulas Spirituality Blog
    Mar 2010 to Present

    I just like to blog and started this blog with Carmelite Spirituality in mind. I really need to get back to it, but working fulltime and managing 3 blogs just doesn't work. Perhaps, I can find someone else into Carmelite spirituality to blog with

  • NeriumAD brand partner
    May 2013 to Present

    NeriumAD is a patented anti oxidant skin are product that has real results, like no other product on the market. I just heard an esthetician say that in her 25yrs she never ever has seen results like she sees with this product.

  • Joined
    May 2010
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  • Remember you have to research alot of programs before you pay anything for a membership. The program that i promote wont cost anything,and we never as...

  • Paula is great affiliate , honest and so helpful in anything she does. There is genuine concern from Paula and not this fake "relationship building" t...

  • I met Paula a few years ago and have worked with her in a couple of programs. Paula is forthcoming, honest and so helpful in anything she does. There...

  • Great Profile and intro frank true and impressive all the best

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