
Abdou Sani Boukari

Consultant, Last online: 1 month ago

Contact Info

I am a free-lance consultant living in Niamey, Niger. I am specialized in marketing of products and services. I offer affiliate marketing, program proposals and helpfull informations. I enjoy providing good news to my customers.


  • The Pwer Of Words
    Oct 2010 to May 2013

    Our words can create a huge impact on the people we come across. Words have the power to either make or break others. They become either a good memory or bad memory. If we keep uttering words that are charged up with negative emotions.

  • 7 Little Ways to Make Life Simpler
    Oct 2012 to Present

    Our days fill up so fast, and are so frenzied and jammed with drama and distractions, they often seem to be bursting at the seams. We go about each day without ever questioning why we feel so darn stressed out.

  • New online business
    Nov 2012 to Jun 2013

    Strong Future International (SFI) is esasy/simple online business backed by the Better Business Bureau that empowers regular people to earn money from home. It is guaranteed with over 14 years of history and thousands of success stories.

  • The feeling of being valuable
    Nov 2012 to Present

    All children are terrified of abandonment. Consistent parental love and caring throughout childhood, produces the effect that children will enter adulthood not only with a deep internal sense of their own value but also with a deep sense of security.

  • Sell Your Products at TripleClicks!
    Nov 2012 to Present

    No listing fees and no risk. Simply sign up, upload your products, and start taking orders. TripleClicks retains a nominal amount only when you make a sale.

  • 'Nobody rise suddenly,not even the sun..!
    Nov 2012 to Present

    A famous writter wrote that :-"when we get a little we want more ,when we get more we want more than it ,but when we lose everything we think that little was enough for me "but in the same in SFI we want more and more and more.....

  • Stainless Steel Heated Electronic
    Nov 2012 to Present

    Keep your drink deliciously hot with the Roadmaster 14oz Stainless Steel Heated Electronic Travel Mug w/12v DC Adapter. Perfect for those who love road trips and want to keep their coffee, tea, or soup hot. The travel mug includes a cigarette lighter

  • Become free of things control!
    Nov 2012 to Present

    Be honest with yourself, and with everyone else as well. There are some things you like and other things you dislike, and that's just fine. Be fully accepting of yourself, and of others as well. You are who you are, with your dreams and passions.

  • Experience is the most valuable commodity you own
    Jan 2013 to Present

    In a culture that seeks quick results, we must learn the beauty of effort, patience, and perseverance. Be strong, present, and steadfast.

  • How To Do The Impossible
    Jan 2013 to Present

    I kept believing in myself and thinking that any day now something's going to shift. I kept pursuing my idea that I was going to be an author and this is what my passion was, and this was what was driving me.

    Nov 2013 to Present

    It isn't enough to just want to be successful. You've got to ask yourself: "What are you going to do to get the things in life you want?" Your problem is to bridge the distance which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach.

  • Conditioning For Success
    Jan 2014 to Mar 2014

    If you’re exhausted by failure, frustrated by missed opportunity and haunted by depression, then Conditioning for Success is the most important message you’ll ever hear. Dani Johnson reveals the fundamental attitudes and techniques that will change

  • Ziggity Systems.
    Jul 2014 to Jul 2014

    We put the time in to set the goals, and then we magically expect to achieve them during the year, even if we don’t really change our behavior or our calendar. This all seems pretty counter-productive. More accurately, it seems almost like insanity.

  • The 8-Step Process for Leading Change
    Sep 2014 to Present

    Kotter International helps organizations accelerate the implementation of their most important strategies. We work with large-scale organizations to help them move faster, with less chaos and more efficiency, enabling success no matter the obstacles

  • The Quantum Jumping course.
    Oct 2014 to Present

    Discover a Revolutionary New System that Amplifies Your “Thoughts Creating Reality” Process and Opens You Up to a Whole New World of Advanced Mind Power - See more at:

  • What To Do When You Feel Like Your Message Isn’t Reaching Anybody‏
    Apr 2015 to Present

    Trouble getting the attention your message deserves? Sign up for my video series, Your Platform Makeover here This free series reveals eight simple tweaks that will help you get heard, get traction, and make an impact.

  • The self-talk solution
    Apr 2015 to Present

    Imagine relying on yourself to optimize your outlook, focus your plans, and keep you on top, in touch, and going for it! You can do it, by adopting the simple techniques of self‑talk, and understanding the power of certain positive assertions.

  • Three Primary Habits
    Jul 2016 to Present

    1. Do "One Thing" Every Day : set a major life goal that you’ve always want to achieve; 2. Try Stuff : once you know that most mistakes aren't that bad you'll have the courage to take action; 3. Practice Continuous Improvement : focus on one chang

  • Be Mentally Active
    Oct 2016 to Present

    Whether a person is active or not, people who maintain contact with the outside are doing in terms of better mental health than those who conclude from the environment. Involve your intellect every day. Read, learn and Keep your brain agile.

  • Consciousness Engineering
    Oct 2016 to Present

    Consciousness Engineering is a framework and program built by personal growth pioneer Vishen Lakhiani. This program gathers many of the world’s greatest teachers in different fields and teach in a way where you get to rapidly adopt their beliefs,

  • The Power of Positive Thinking
    Jan 2017 to Present

    Positive thinking – your outlook on life – has a major effect on your health and wellness. Did you know that women all over the world are now practicing meditation as a way to stay positive. This improves their mood, productivity and reduces stress.

  • 5 Essential Daily Visualization Exercises
    Jan 2017 to Apr 2018

    Visualization is so effective in creating major life changes that it’s used by psychologists, life coaches, and even monks. There is a visualization you can do for just about anything you want to achieve. The infographic gives some tips on the topi

    Apr 2017 to Present

    L’étude récemment publiée et intitulée Jeunesse et Agriculture Familiale constate la nécessité d’accorder davantage de priorité au thème de la jeunesse dans l’agenda politique, en renforçant les besoins et les demandes de la jeunesse rurale.

  • Vote For STAMP
    Jun 2017 to Present

    The objective of the STAMP project is to improve the resilience of pastoralists affected by extreme climatic events by accessing and using geo-satellite data that allows them to consider moving their herds with better predictions.

  • Systematic Re-Growth Of Existing Trees
    Jul 2017 to Present

    Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a rapid, low cost and easily replicated approach to restoring and improving agricultural, forested and pasture lands. FMNR is based on encouraging the systematic re-growth of existing trees.

  • Brain Training Software
    Aug 2017 to Present

    Our brains and brain functions are also the result of our culture and upbringing. Although many of us argue the old nature versus nurture theory, studies indicate that training our brains to be more active can play an important role in how we act.

  • What the Heck Is That? By Nathan Whiteside
    Sep 2017 to Present

    Spiritual Awakening is both more and less than the highest ideal that you can imagine. It brings both laughter and disappointment. It is the ultimate paradox, and even those who have experienced it often feel lost in trying to explain it.

  • Helping Communities to become Self-Sufficient ....
    Jan 2018 to Present

    IEDA Relief is an emerging organization committed to taking the most effective, flexible, and innovative approaches to humanitarian and development work. We believe working together can help us to achieve better results.

  • ‘Time for the West African agroecoPosition du ROPPA sur l'AgroEcologie Paysanne
    Apr 2018 to Jul 2018

    Le ROPPA s’est toujours préoccupé, depuis sa création en 2000, à trouver des réponses permettant la promotion de l’Agriculture familiale dans le cadre de la souveraineté alimentaire pour assurer de façon durable le développement de l’Agriculture en A

  • Fight Fungal Attacks On Your Feet And Body
    Aug 2018 to Aug 2018

    Invasive fungal infections cause substantial morbidity and mortality and are a costly, common problem in healthcare settings. The fungus Candida is the most common cause of healthcare-associated bloodstream infections in the United States.

  • The "Hidden Survival Muscle"
    Aug 2018 to Aug 2018

    Our hip flexors are the engine through which our body moves. They control balance, our ability to sit, stand, twist, reach, bend, walk and step. Everything goes through the hips. And when our hip flexors tighten it causes problems in active people.

  • Joined
    Mar 2010
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  • Abdou Sani Boukari is a free-lance consultant living in Niamey, Niger. He markets products and services, affiliate marketing, program proposals and ...

  • Abdou Sani Boukari is working as a free-lance consultant as well as specialized in marketing of products and services. He is active member in apsense ...

  • Abdou Sani Boukari is working as a free-lance consultant as well as specialized in marketing of products and services. He is active member in apsense ...

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  • Mr Abdou Sani Boukari is all time hit on Apsense. Very strong profile having almost badge of Apsense community.