How Important Is Your Blog Title?

Posted by Dawie Bezuidenhout
Oct 30, 2010

This is something i learned in my early days on the internet, most of you already know how important your title or heading is to attract readers. Browsing through the Blogs here, i can see that many people understand this fact and they come up with excellent attention grabbing titles.

In most instances, it is likely that your Blog will get read as a result of your title.

If the title of an Blog is not catchy enough to catch a readers interest, you might as well not have written that post. This is because the title of your Blog will determine whether the article gets read or not by as many people as possible. One of the reasons many Blogs don't get read is because the titles and headlines do not catch your potential readers attention. Your Blog title should as much as possible, grab your readers attention and get them thinking, wanting to know more.

As a Blogger, one thing you really want to happen to your Blog post is for it to go viral and get picked by many people who want to see what you have to say. If you are looking for the principal key to making this work, your Blog titles are what you need to work on. In essence, this is a determining factor in the pulling in of readers and increasing the number of people who view your Blog post and must not be neglected. In fact, it should be given the utmost attention.

Luckily there are ways this can be remedied as writing titles, headlines can be easy when you know what psychological triggers to use. Some examples are the words "get rid, secrets, revealed, the truth behind, how to, reason, tips, discover, red hot etc." These trigger words have the ability to trigger some questions in the minds of readers. For example, headlines like "Discover the Secrets to Getting Rid of The Flue" or "How to get rid of The Flue" are more likely to get you interested in an article with that topic than a headline that reads "Flue treatment". Sometimes, these trigger words can be used in a certain manner and order that makes them completely irresistible. Notice how in the first headline sample I added up the words "discover, secrets, get rid." These trigger words packed together in one headline is more likely to deliver more clickthroughs for you than anything else.

There are several ways you can really get to attract people to view your Blog posts and believe me, they are inexhaustible. But take your time to read up books on copywriting and sales letter writing. I am sure that marketers who know what I am saying here will agree with me that you need to have a headline loaded with trigger words to get the best results out of your Blog posts.

Let's go a little bit of the topic.

Amongst the Blogs here at APSense is some very good examples of great titles, but upon opening the post you find yourself staring at a Banner or a oneliner with a link.

For those people, if you read this, which i doubt in any case.

A good heading, won't on it's own get you sales or signups or readers returning to read your future posts.

Put some effort into it, and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Feel free to share your tips and expertise with us.

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Comments (16)
Pat Carr

Music Recording and Publishing, Network Marketing

Your title got me to read this one. A question as a title provokes curiosity. Good information, as usual.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

LOL! and I woke up this morning to report them!

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

I have declined some of the above comments, clearly some of you still don't understand the meaning of commenting on a Post. Hope you miss your credits!

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Kevin S.


The letters have to be not to big. Large letters are annoying.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Sushil Sharma

am a networker from india

realy very good information for blog making,title is so important for attraction of blog.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Kalpesh Kansara

Online Business

its very important blog title as we can earn more credits so.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Riza Faesal

I have a blog, but it not yet complete.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Mushtaq Sayyad

blog title is definetly important .. which gives a short idea if ur intentions for creating a blog

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Gregory Osborne

Online Marketing Entrepreneur...

Titles definitely affect the number of people will actually read your information... Sadly, a-lot of marketers resort to catching your interest only to immediately disappoint you when you open the page up...Misleading titles can ruin your on-line rep, quick, fast, and in a hurry...

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Jrum P.

d Rookie

Totally important to have a Blog Title. It is where your revenue starts. So make a title that really catches readers' attention..

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Cheryl i am haning on the other side, can you see me waving.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

That's a good point you make Paula, i do the same, but i do like browsing through the Blogs. Good titles do catch my eye, pity some of them turn out to be rubbish.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


There are so many headlines, it is hard to come up with something original and catching. But i think at least on social media you can get readers even if your headlines are not top quality or original. I have been around for some time and i know exactly which "faces" i will follow to read their content as well as the faces that only produce rubbish. So i pay more attention to the faces than to the headlines.

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I fall off the bus a lot too but I'm usually hanging on to the bumper when it takes off LOL

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

Not at all Cheryl, i totally agree with you there.
Like those emails with those catchy headings we all receive, very ANNOYING to say the least.
Most of my posts i use the "HOW" as my main trigger, but i have seen this used incorrectly to many times, people use "HOW", and when you open thinking you are going to get a solution you get an invite to join some program or venture instead.
Your last sentence is a very important statement that everyone should take note of.
Another note i forgot to a

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Would i be too much of a party pooper if I pointed out that those very same trigger words can repel a reader faster than a skunk can clear an enclosed space? A lot of people are overusing them and coupling them with spam.

Anytime I see "Discover the Secret of..." it's like someone scraping the nails on a chalkboard because it's usually attached to some spam e-mail about wealth building schemes and scams. Explode your business schemes and scams. etc. In other words the more people use the

Oct 31, 2010 Like it
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