My time at APSense

I've made a lot of good connections, learned a lot about marketing online, participated in a lot of good discussions, and had a lot of fun exploring and testing things out discovering what works what doesn't and what actually harms your reputation online.
I've also said a few things I shouldn't have, peeved a few people off and even made an enemy or 2 (so be it, I still say there's nothing that can't be talked out!)
One thing I've never done is buy into some program on a members page where I see nothing but copy and paste opportunity shouting. I've never paid much mind to anyone on any social networking site who couldn't muster up a hello or talk about anything at all unrelated to their business for more than 5 seconds.
On the other hand I've always valued the input of others, whether criticizing or agreeable, I've never pretended (contrary to poplar opinion!) to know everything or be any better than anyone else. I've also always been an advocate for truth, in advertising and in real life, justice, and accountability of ones own actions on a social networking platform.
As for my future use of apsense which is yet to be determined but I am sure little will change in the way I do things, I would suggest for any newly active members, especially those newer to so-called internet marketing that they really take some time here and get to know the people in this "member-driven" community, experiment with things and have some fun with the site.
This is what worked best for me, and my time at APSense....
Comments (43)
Nini G.
love this post...i can remember how it was here in 2007,was very familiar,not to many members...what i like here is not only possibility to promote mayself and my work,on first place for me APsense give me opportunity to meet new people..thats the real GOLD of life on Earth!FRIENDS!!!
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
It does, Nagy. All the time! It is often referred to as "internet marketing" or "building a business"
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just want my account deleted
Good Grief, what form bass_turd-ization has emerged here. The sad thing is, this could just go on and on!
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
You know all of those programs are obsolete. I'm in the absolute best program available, it's taken the internet by storm!
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
Recipricity? Naaah! I don't do that - internet marketer you know!
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just want my account deleted
Hi, I am terribly sorry but I cannot seem to recall yourself or any program: Is this a new program or did I just forget about my previous attempts to join thinking this was the one program that results in overnight riches, bimbos and CASH!? I have been busy with the affiliate sites I joined today &
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
Hi, Garnet, sorry the link did not work. I have reached my target of 27,413,695 in my down line and so I have blocked any new applicants. I am now searching for the next opportunity to get them all signed up to but WATCH THIS SPACE - I might re-open to let in the hundreds of thousands of applicants like you who missed the dead-line.
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Roosevelt hyping is not about value but about obscuring lack of worth. It's a very ignorant assumption that they people you are marketing to are all morons. The problem with hype is you will catch the minority of morons and leave a very bad taste in the mouth of the intelligent majority. Politicians are a very good example of this More and more people are looking at politicians as con artists and scammers because they don't focus on issues and speak to people like people have some sense. The
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
"To admit that value needs hyping is probably the saddest comment I have ever seen." Sad but in my opinion true, Old Coot. It's all about "hype", PR and "photo ops" (appearances). The masses of people don't think very deeply unless forced to. To market, promote or share something of value we have to be somewhat Machievellian, "the ends justify the means". For example, The Paul Ryan budget plan had real value but because the GOP didn't "hype" it right the public perception was that it was bad for
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
Roosevelt, us old timers are not pining away, we are being starved to death by the paucity of comment, conversation and wisdom which enabled us to appreciate what we had and have now lost. They say that in the kindom of the blind, the one eyed man is king. It seems that in the kindom of the internet marketer, the single celled brain is omnipotent. What do you find so distressing, the fact that we see the rubbish for what it is or the fact that we try to refuse to join the Numbnut Association of
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just want my account deleted
Hey Roosevelt, it's not so much about pining away but more about bringing them around again kinda like how this convo's flow seems to naturally be going. Through some miracle or freak chance there's proportionate wisdom lurking within most the posts. Additionally, I believe there should always be a little love and respect in all that we do! :)
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just want my account deleted
Freudian slip C? Lazy typer!__________OC I'm lmao & remembering a similar moment. FYI, tried your link & it didn't work so it must be broken..?.._._._._._._._._._._._._...Cindy I'm gonna start calling you C4..Lord knows what I'll have to call that other C now!=============================================== =======================================================P.S. It's Aug 2nd, and...I just ran out of tp. ouch!
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Catch up and die along with it Roosevelt? Google is wise to the duplicate, useless, worthless quantity content. Google is looking for quality. What internet marketers refuse to grasp is that they are simply a small fraction of internet users. The majority are looking for value and worth and Google is going to give it to them through quality. Social networks that focus on business had better grasp this fact or they are going to be left with that tiny little fraction of hard-headed IM'ers thr
Roosevelt Evans III
Home Business Entrepreneur
You APSense Old Timers can pine away for the "Good Ole Days" or you can catch up with today's social media, which is light on substance and heavy on hype. You've got to "hype" what's of value today or it won't be seen or heard. That's just the "nature of the beast" when it comes to today's social media.
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
Hi, Garnet - I wonder if paragraphs would be wasted? Three words do not a paragraph make! As you have seen, they are not easily possible even if, like so many internet marketers........ YOU GAME THE SYSTEM. Maybe refusing paragraphs is a deliberate ploy to make commenting dumber? By the way, there is a great ponzi pyramid that I can point you to - but you have been at Apsense too long to fall for it! Even so,sign up under me and make a gazillion by last week-end at www.idontknowwhatitisandihave
Cindy Bolley
I have missed your posts Garnet....... Nice to see you back doing what you do best.
creating hot conversation and getting lots of great feed back.... If you will take note few new to APSense have commented on this great post and only 10 tops and as of this moment 292 page views
What a shame.... I remember WHEN....sorry Roosevelt, I couldn't resist that last comment
Patty d.
Promotor OJS
This is a very good article Garnet - Great graphic too :) thanks for posting
Cheryl Baumgartner
Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance
Oops Garnet! Did you make a Freudian slip there?
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just want my account deleted
Lol.. sorry OC, it seems our comment space has shrunk if anything plus I can't even seem to put a space between paragraphs to at least somewhat separate remarks differing in nature to some extent.
"Top BS Network Online, Driven by YOU!" if I'm not mistaken was at one time the slogan of apsense or how apsense touted itself.. now all I can find is some jibberish about facebook, twitter, etc and individuals coming together and getting paid to share their business, all the tools you need provided
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
I do love a great discussion but, Garnet, this discussion is about time at Apsense (yours in particular but Cheryl and I both savour the good old days). I must have missed the article on the "top business Social network online, driven by You!" so I can't comment on that but from what I have seen, business network and social network are mutually exclusive terms. Maybe your comment is in the wrong article stream? Your comment is superbly cynical but, unfortunately, a reasonable summation of the de