This Is INCREDIBLE! Act NOW Before It's Too Late!

Excuse the nasty title but I am curious as to whether this message will reach anyone who needs to hear it or not.
Seeings as this is a so called business community, I am guessing you have some kind of a business you are trying to promote and since you are reading this right now, you probably haven't had the success you are looking for yet.
While I'm making all these assumptions, I might as well assume you already have a decent idea just how many programs there are on the net offering INSTANT MEGA SUCCESS, but do you really think your True Success and Ultimate Happiness lies in "Acting this Instant"? "Before it's too late"?
I don't care who you are, where your at with your business or what you think of me. Your Real Success will never find You until You are Completely Honest with Yourself in what you want....what You Expect and WHY!
Leave NOTHING out...Who are You anyways? What do You deserve? What do You like? Love? Hate? WHY?
Finally....SCREW THAT COMPANY! Forget about them and their lies and doing the things that are good for them! Focus on YOU and whats good for YOU.
Now, all to often people have look at what I have written and found it to be harsh or judgemental...well, aside from how tired I am of repeating myself the only reason I keep bringing these things up is because I have been there myself! Yes...I once thought EASY RICHES was the road for me...good grief, ridiculous!
We have our entire lives to live, learn and succeed! So quit stressing already and start enjoying your time and Everything else you already have in your LIFE! You might just find out it really is a whole lot easier than you think, I know I have and I gotta tell you, it feels great!
Perhaps Your TRUE SUCCESS really does lie in what YOU CHOOSE to do this instant? Perhaps it really is INCREDIBLE? The choice is Yours...
Peace! Bushman Out.
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Comments (10)
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just want my account deleted
Hi Jenn,
You were a member at our forum before among other things we made the change to paid only memberships...while you may still be showing as a member at our forum you would have to purchase a membership to actually be a member with unlimited access to our growing resources and assets.
P.S. A one month trial membership is only $9.95, for anyone who is ready to spend some time with it and judge what we have to offer for themselves. In other words if you think BMC sucks, your out ten b
Jennifer Underwood
I am still trying to figure out why it says that I am a member...but need to
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just want my account deleted
Hi Jose,
Thanks for stopping by! Hard sorting is right...but only part of it. Programs...mlms, affiliates or whatever should be treated as 'tools'(NEVER AS YOUR BUSINESS) and they'd better darn well fit you like a glove too. So it's not only a matter of sound ethical programs, but also about finding ones that are very well suited to you and your existing business and knowing how to implement a sound strategy to get it all off the ground AND experience continued GROWTH month after month aft
Jose Palomino
Since I have a lot of experience in being a newbie
I believe that an on line business, is the way of the future,
I know there are good products out there, it's just hard sorting
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just want my account deleted
well...37 hrs and it appears the message has not reached anyone who needs to understand it yet!
Perhaps I shound have named it "NEVER WORK AGAIN!...RETIRE TODAY!!!"???
Seriously...What is a SUCCESS anyways? Answer this and you may just be on your way....wouldn't it be nice to have willing capable and experienced people ready to help you?
Lisa G.
Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant
Hi Garnet.
I'll have some time on my hands soon.
I'll check it out. Thanks!
Jenny Stewart
I am here because I saw the title of the blog and it had your name on it. And i wondered what the pluck is that Garnet up to now??!!!
It is another sad day for the gurus to find that yet another person who earns on line has stopped listen to their |@~# - sorry - silly hyped up or fake publicity.
Saw one the other day from a woman who had evidently copy pasted the advert and forgotten to change the "my wife and I " part Who do these people think they are kidding!!
If online advertis
Jean DAndrea
Sounds like a few cases for a swift "Delete" Arthur ! :-)
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just want my account deleted
Oh sweet Lord! Pity Marketers...where's the passion???
Arthur Webster
Just plain honesty
HI, Garnet,
Another fine offer you got into my mail box.
Unfortunately all my cards and all my friends cards are maxed out because we have been impelled, out of the goodness of our hearts, to help out several gurus.
One of them, unfortunately, had to move house and his income dropped from $99,999 a month to less than $90,000 so he needed help to pay his moving costs. Then there is the guy who has a heck of a problem buying the best food for his pet Aardvaark. The stress has stopped him