Never Work Again - Retire Today!(This is INCREDIBLE - Act NOW Before It's Too Late PART II)

Posted by Not Here
Jun 5, 2008

This should have been titled "My Incredible Spring/What Can We Do For You?", but I am sort of a goofball by nature and really just couldn't help myself...go figure!

These last few months have been interesting for me to say the least. Just over a year now since I originally came online, nearly two since I first got involved in network/mlm marketing and it would seem my personal revelations or just how well I now know myself and understand what I now understand has become nothing short of amazing!

The fear of what others may think...gone! The fear of missing out on some 'opportunity' or scheme...GONE! THE UNCONTENTMENT WITH MY LIFE, INCOME, and EVERYTHING THAT I HAD MISCONCIEVED AS LACKING...COMPLETELY ERADICATED!!

Spring here in Saskatchewan really has been beautiful, although it seemed like it would never show up it has and along with it my re-found love of nature...the Great Outdoors! and everything about it. I have also come to realize just how rich I really am, glancing over my list of assets there is much more than I could possibly captalise on but no problem, I have learned to focus on what really is important to me and how to truly live in the moment...mostly I have been enjoying more of my time with my family(and my beautiful natural suroundings) and putting my spare time into my own growth in learning about things I not only need to for my business, but Want to just because I am so damn excited with LIFE!

Anyways, I don't know if this is exactly "never working again", but whatever it is it sure doesn't feel much like work! As for Part One to this blog and the program I was sort of 'underhandingly' promoting, well we only have one real question for you...How Can We Help You Acheive Whatever The Hell It Is You Are Looking To Acheive?

Thats all I got to say....for now LOL! BushMan Out!(aka Garnet Nagy - Co-founder B.M.C

P.S. Retire Today? Thats just stupid!

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Comments (7)
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Jennifer Underwood


Not Here

just want my account deleted

Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Not Here

just want my account deleted

Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

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