Some Frankness, Hidden Insight and Requested Input.

Posted by Not Here
Mar 30, 2008
It seems there has been some people in my online and offline lives who have either misunderstood or been offended by much of what I've had to say. So I wanted to write a few words and see if I could clear up a few of these misunderstandings up as it has always been a very coveted belief of mine that all human beings, man or woman are capable of talking any situation or perceived one out and coming to a compromise.

For starters, I have been know to be a bit of a critic or hardass when it comes to blatent advertising,esspecially when it comes to sloppy or shoddy copy and paste ads!

To Clear The Record

I have never stated or held any kind of belief that I am somehow smarter, more important or a better person than anyone else just because I choose Not to use these unimaginative methods In fact, at one time I tried using these methods and the results were so poor and as I don't have time to posy 10,000 ads per sign-up I began exploring more productive routes only to discover the biggest reason this method is so poor(besides that it's UGLY, LOUD AND ANNOYING to even the most sub-human of creatures! is because your not marketing your own business. Instead you are advertising and helping create massive exposure for the program in question, which brings me to my next point....

...Be darn selective of the programs you choose!

Considering the period of time I have been online and vast amount of various schemes, pyramids and even illegal programs I have seen vanish into the abyss it is apparent(and seemly obvious in the first place!) that you absolutely have to be very selective who or what you attach your name to, and besides if you are looking for any kind of long-term income you should be focused on quality and associate with reputable organizations and people.

For more insight, sign up to my freshly started newsletter over at My Website

I am also seeking anyone who is interested in offering me feedback on the existing email series I have put together, and would be especially grateful to anyone willing to offer any suggestions or requests for specific topics or areas of interest they would like to see me shed light on.

For more specific coaching and business training, check out this Special Report and Offer Here
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