As business people, we all know the importance of creating residual income; having money work hard for us month in month out; it's one of the best feelings in existence. The power to control our finances is one of the most sort after powers, but very few people can access it. Reason being that most people who crave for it only do that based on short term goals (What they can get right now).
Wealth is often misinterpreted by many as the acquistion of money alone; wealth spans for and wide.In fact, money is the least thing when it comes to wealth. The reason most people continue to struggle, even when they have money is because they possess a weak mindset, when it comes to financial stability. Someone who possesses a poverty mentality will always find it hard to sustain his/her millions.
- First of all acknowledge the source of wealth - God. He give us power to obtain wealth.Help other people in any way you can to also attain great heights.
- Gain concrete financial intelligence, when it comes to money issues.
- Teach, mentor, and share. Become a resource channel; by that I mean, genuinely give back to your community (This signifies sowing seeds).
- Focus on long term goals; and avoid being caught up with short term achievements, forgetting the fact that you need to carry on doing what's necessary for your business.
- Partner with your spouse, and teach your children your business when they are ready. That will help your business last for generations (Family duplication).
- Don't stop learning; keep current with what's going on in your line of business and apply the ones that are relevant to you.
Wealth is not measured in the amount of money one has in his/her bank account, but in the ability for him/her to maintain the resources available to him/her for the long term. Our line of business (Network Marketing) is usually referred to as business of relationship. So build good and long term ones.
Good credibility is one of the top aspects of wealth, but the apect that takes the top position is the fear of God. Without His help, our journey to wealth acquision will always be futile; one might ask - "So what about those who don't even acknowledge Him, but have money?". Well, if you look closely, they may have all the money, but a lot of things are lacking; like happiness, health, peace of mind (I could go on forever). My point is, money will never buy happiness or health, or a good name, or a good vision, but God gives all of that freely.
I believe this will go a long way to provoke you start focusing on sustaining your wealth, and acknowledge the fact that with God, all things are possible. Have a great day.