3 Ways Businesses Can Increase Their Lead Flow, Using Effective Content Marketing

Posted by Otoabasi Umonting
Nov 9, 2016

When we talk about content marketing, we're not just talking about blogs. It goes further than that. Even the comments you leave on a post of forums or groups is part of the process.

Let's see what this is all about...

#1. Drop the platitudes:

In case you're wondering what 'platitudes' are, I'll quickly break it down - they are overused words or phrases, which often lack significance, and hardly trigger the required response. E.g. "established since 1977", "trustworthy and reliable", "best in town", "proven track record", etc.

Due to their overuse, they no longer hold weight. I'm not saying you shouldn't be any of these things, but I'm saying you can be more creative with your content. A good number of contents put out to the public by businesses often focus more on the business, than the needs of their market.

If you're using any of the phrases I mentioned earlier within your marketing content, here's what I want you to do... take off the name of your business and place your competition's name there, and see if the content is still relevant... if it is, then you're heading the wrong direction.

E.g.1 - "XYZ Cleaners - best in town!" Take off "XYZ" and place "ABC Cleaners"... is the Ad still relevant? Yes it is, because the phrase "best in town" is not unique to just one local business.

E.g.2 - XYZ Cleaners - Discover 5 stress free DIY cleaning processes for home owners (PDF download on website or info on brochure... upfront value). Data collected and a call to action inserted in the document to call XYZ for more advanced cleaning.

ABC Cleaners - we are the best cleaners in south east!

Who wins? I'll let you decide on that!:D

People hardly pay for a service these days just because the business said they are "trustworthy and reliable"? When 100s of businesses are saying the same thing, it leaves the prospect with no other choice but to get a friend to recommend someone they've used, or jump on social media to ask if there's anyone who can help.

What can be done to achieve better results?

Let's see the next aspect...

#2. Differentiation and positioning:

When you know what your market truly wants, then you're more likely to find your USP. A USP that's determined by your market is going to hold more value than one that's determined by you. It's about them, their needs, and their expectations. That's what makes them pull out their wallets/purses. They are buying results, solutions, comfort, knowledge, insight, experience, etc.

Find out what the market wants and give it to them... pay attention to what they are saying; ask the right questions; do your research.

Based on the information you gather, you can then create valuable content from it. This can be used on your website, your lead magnet, blogs, videos, emails, podcasts, flyers, posters, brochures, newsletters, Ads, etc. When what you put out carries value in the eyes of the market, then you've been able to differentiate yourself.

The uniqueness of what you project to the market is what will position your business to acquire a good lead flow.

Let's bring it home...

#3. Maintain your rhythm:

I'm not a fan of "one hit wonders"; if that were the case, I'd have stopped doing what I'm doing today. Achieving success in something is great, but that shouldn't be the end. Big brands know this, that's why they are still in the race.

One might say it's because big brands have the budget, but the truth is, it's not really about that... it's about being relevant. We've heard and seen big names close shop because they refused to innovate. They stuck with the old ways, and got bitten.

Creating content regularly may not really be your thing, as a business owner, however, if you've ever asked this question - "what can I do to get more business from my website and social media?" - then no one needs to further stress the importance of effective content marketing strategies to you.

It's no longer just an add-on, it's a necessity! It could be a case of restructuring the content on your website or any medium you're using to create awareness for your business.

Keep at it, and make changes where necessary.

To your success!

Otoabasi Umonting

P.S. if you need help to setup an effective content marketing strategy within your business, then click here to book a free 60 minutes breakthrough session with me on Skype to discuss further.

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