"My Company Is A Lot Better Than Yours, And I Can Prove It" He Said...

Posted by Otoabasi Umonting
Jun 5, 2011

I believe you have heard it all before, when someone tries to tell you about his or her company/product; and the words I have used as the topic for this post shoots out. It will never cease to amaze me that people still don't get it. It's like hammering a nail on solid iron and expecting to bore a hole (Good luck with that).


If I'm having a conversation with someone for the first time, and my primary focus is telling the person about my company and how it is the best in the whole world, even extending to planet Mars; then why should I expect that person to respect me. He or she doesnt even know anything about me, and I'm there rambling like a parrot.


There's time for everything (Eccl.3), and we need to be sensitive enough to know when to tell people about our opportunity. I personally won't buy from or join anyone who comes to me purely for the purpose of signing me up in his or her opportunity; because I know he or she is just adding up the figures. I won't get the support I need. Building downlines is one thing, maintaining them is another. I got some great tips on Leadership from a good friend's post: "Earn More By Leading Your Team"  go check it out!


The companies we represent are not ours, and they can choose to get rid of us if they so please (I'm not praying that should happen to anyone though). They have a lot of legal backing (Have you checked your "Terms of use" if any?); we can't afford to build our hopes on what we don't really own. I'm I saying run out of it, or stop promoting it; but we have to do it the right way, and by that I mean "Building relationships". That's for the long term, and no one can take that away from us except us.


So, telling me "your company is better than mine" shows me your level reasoning. You're in a business, but carrying an employee mindset; and such a person can hardly convince me about anything after that. The reason we all have blogs is because we want to share the knowledge, to help others in our own way, based on what we have learnt. I can afford to write an article about my company there (Maybe a short review) and let that sell itself to the reader.


I guess I have said so much already. Fellow marketers, let us endeavour to surpress the urge of pushing our businesses in front of people we've only known for 2 seconds. I know we all want to build a team, and get things off the ground; but a team that lacks direction will not last (Ask people who have left their primary companies, they'll throw the light in). I wish you the very best in your venture and I believe that as you continue to consistently build your business the right way, you will definitely succeed.


Yours in partnership,


Otoabasi Umonting

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