Posted by Dawie Bezuidenhout
Nov 7, 2010

This is getting a bit RIDICULOUS, people approving profile pics of cartoon characters and some other CRAP. The list is too long to mention all.

Does this look like a real photo of a person to you.......

What about this one.......

And this one......

One more.....

I just can't resist......

What do these pictures above have in common?

Not one is a photo of an actual person, the closest thing to human is the Peacock.

The top picture have been approved a couple of minutes ago, this is a privilege given to members who reach level three, that privilege will soon dissapear if some of you carry on like this. What is it that you don't understand about a personal photo of yourself.

Clearly the people that approve these pictures don't deserve that privilege, goes to show you the points next to your name means actually nothing, nada, ZIP.

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Comments (25)
Paula van Dun


Yes. I also wonder. And i have posted something about it too. LOL sometimes something funny happens. I always thought that affilatemoney was a girl....untill he uploaded an new profile picture as an adult. Well. i am keeping my striped sweater so people will still recognize me when i am old and grey.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Katrina O.

Indiana Water Filters

OMG! really, someone tried that!! Wow...I guess they just wanted to show their a**.(I couldn't resist)

What should we do if we see a picture that is not human? I see a lot every day.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

I have declined photos and had someone come along right behind me and approve the photo I had just declined. At least no one approved the 'Proctology' print. Thank God, the last thing I want is to sign on and winked at by that!

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

I know Cheryl, i have commented there.
I just couldn't resist when i saw that one being approved.
There where just too many level 3's on screen at that time to pinpoint who it was, but i have a rough idea and i am keeping my eyes wide open.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

And they don't have any excuse. I posted a blog not too long ago about what not to approve and it has been ignored.

Nov 7, 2010 Like it
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