Posted by Dawie Bezuidenhout
Oct 25, 2010

Have you ever been involved in a discussion with someone who kept repeating things you already know over and over and over. Annoying, isn't it.

This happened to me today, and thinking about it i thought this applies to Blogging as well. I like reading, but i see this happening more and more. People blogging about the same topic over and over again. If you keep repeating stuff, or stuff that has been blogged and written about extensively by other bloggers, you will start to bore the readers and start looking like a copycat. You don't want that, it will damage your image and your followers will move on to another person that has something unique to offer.

The second thing i want to point out is this oneliner Blog posts or banners as content. If you start a new Blog and you look to the right of the screen what is the first tip written in red. "Contents should not be blatant advertising!" What is it about that statement that so many clearly don't understand or just blatantly disregard. The rules are their to be obeyed by everyone not just a select few.

The majority of members at APSense write excellent content of true value and it is a pity that many of those posts never get seen because of all the rubbish that clutters this section.

So the next time before you hit the "PUBLISH" button, evaluate what you have just written and think if your readers will read it or if they would get the urge to say "DUDE (GAL), TELL ME SOMETHING I DON"T KNOW!"

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Comments (23)
Dawie Bezuidenhout

Systems Engineer I.T.

@Joseph, good luck with that dentist appointment.
@Sean, thanks, this is something that has been irritating me this last couple of weeks and it gets worse by the day.

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Sean North


Hi Dawie love this well written an imformative post,I totally agree, writing unique and quality well writen post gets you noticed and google like them too :)

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
Joseph Botelho

Working on one project at a time.

Very good and funny, well done my friend made me laugh just before l hit out to the dentist nice job....something original is always good to read....

Oct 25, 2010 Like it
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