Ok I am ranting now.....

Posted by Emily Tanksley
Apr 16, 2008

As most of you know, I am usually a really quiet person. I don't complain alot... But now I am upset...

My APSense Express has a problem.

I emailed APSense support days ago hoping to solve this issue. I never even got so much as a confirmation email back so that I knew they received my email.

I wrote a blog yesterday hoping that someone would see it and help.

What help have I received? NADA... NOTHING.......

I just want to say that I know some of the leaders of the board was on yesterday because I seen where they had visited some of the blogs that I did and I think they suck! They are so quick to delete other peoples comments and call themselves HELPERS! PLEASE!

In all reality why would I want to continue to invite people here?

Ok.. I am done now... If anyone could help me before I leave this place completely - please do!

In case you did not read my blog about my problem yesterday, It is HERE

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Comments (34)
Beth Schmillen

Hi Emily...

Did you get it to work yet?

sometimes removing the dang software (any) and reinstalling is what is needed!

I tend to have problems when I let a program upgrade it's features.... but the Apsense Express
(or APE as Bj called it!) is working after the improvements on my pc...

But... I found a good registry cleaner... I run my defrag and scan disk before downloads of important softwares or immediately after! (i do forget sometimes!)

so that could be some of your problems... I nev

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

BJ is trying.....

I don't guess anyone else is having the problem. Leave it to me to find the problems...haha

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Hi Emily after visiting the blog it looks like BJ came to the rescue.

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Thanks Jeff..... I have not been very active here for a bit and I am ready to pop back in but it is hard for me to keep up without the express.....

But if you find something interesting I will be there....LOL

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

I hope that you get the help that you need, Emily... I has been really quiet around here. I'm going buggy trying to find something interesting for us active folks to enjoy! :)

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Sorry Cheryl....... I thought that was the right link..

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

crap.... Sorry! I fixed the link in the blog too. This is the correct link. I really would like to get my apsense express fixed.


Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Emily,

that link leads to an ad not a description of any problem with APE

whats the correct link please

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Hi Cheryl,

My problem is explained here http://www.apsense.com/article/118410.html

I really would like to get it fixed! Thanks!

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Emily what's the problem you're having. Maybe one of us members have already dealt with it and can give you some insight

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Thanks for the tops Garnet!

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
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