Ok I am ranting now.....

Posted by Emily Tanksley
Apr 16, 2008

As most of you know, I am usually a really quiet person. I don't complain alot... But now I am upset...

My APSense Express has a problem.

I emailed APSense support days ago hoping to solve this issue. I never even got so much as a confirmation email back so that I knew they received my email.

I wrote a blog yesterday hoping that someone would see it and help.

What help have I received? NADA... NOTHING.......

I just want to say that I know some of the leaders of the board was on yesterday because I seen where they had visited some of the blogs that I did and I think they suck! They are so quick to delete other peoples comments and call themselves HELPERS! PLEASE!

In all reality why would I want to continue to invite people here?

Ok.. I am done now... If anyone could help me before I leave this place completely - please do!

In case you did not read my blog about my problem yesterday, It is HERE

14 people like it
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Comments (34)

Hi Beth,
I like the software

Mar 22, 2010 Like it
Emily Tanksley

I like the software and I have not had any reports of spyware or anything so far from this program!

That is the first time I have had a problem with it. It helps me keep up with all the posts and happenings...

Apr 22, 2008 Like it
Marko S.

Web Presence Provider

I don't use it. I just try few times but I don't find anything useful with this app. It looks very strange to me.

Apr 19, 2008 Like it
David Galich

Online Business

I haven't had any problems with the software. Although I don't use it too often.

Any who,
Dave Galich

Apr 19, 2008 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Bj ...yes I did complain about my Invisus catching serious spyware from apsense express. I don't use it either.

Apr 18, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

System Restore is Definitely Important !

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Jenny Stewart

Just found this and it looks as if all is now well.

As it sounds is if the only one who reacts round here is BJ - I suggest that the founders give him a salary to do for us and thenm what he does now for them for free.- provide support . (Then he will not get so grumpy! LOL)

And Jeunelle, as ever, you are right - there is nothing like a good and public rant to get things done!


Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

That is one problem solved....

I am off to try the things you, Jeff, reccomended for my system restore!

I will let you know how it goes!

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

That's great, Emily! :)

I hope that your computer stays on good behavior 'til next time! :)

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Lol Emily

some would say TORmentor lol

Its all about doing everything possible, its that word many dont know the meaning of any more.


and yes I think I am a good upline and a good service provider.

Glad its working

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

I am happy to report that with BJ's help, my apsense express is NOW working properly!


He suspected download corruption so he sent me a zipped copy of his apsense express and it worked!

Hats off to you BJ - you didnt give up on me....LOL You stuck with me until the problem was solved... I bet you are a great upline/mentor! I appreciate it very much!

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider


I have never heard of anyone getting viruses through using the AP Express

I have it open 24/7/365 how come I havent had any?

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

I have never encountered that kind of failure before... This also might indicate a virus, Trojan or harddrive problem. Scan for these now. I'll enclude some newer tools for you if that's the case-- Good luck! :)


Here is the link to a tech forum that discusses a similar problem...


Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Looks like a bigger problem.....

I tried your suggestion Jeff and my system restore won't open at all.

I get this message:

System Restore Application has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

I have got to regroup my thoughts and go from there. That has never happened to me before.

I am glad you suggested that to! I had not thought of that and I would not have known there was a bigger problem.

Apr 17, 2008 Like it
Jeff Greene

Online Marketing Specialist/Consultant

Try a System Restore- Set the point to a date back before you installed Apsense Express, and try re-installing it again... Then if all that fails--

Go to Life Hacker DIY Support-- I'll bet they can help you solve it....


and search their Windows database for download error messages and remedies...

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Hi Emily,

I see you're getting some help here and on the original post now!

Hope something works for you - it's really annoying isn't it? :-(


Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Oh and BJ I really appreciate all your effort! Thanks again.......

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Hi Beth,

I have totally uninstalled it off my computer and downloaded a whole new program and reinstalled and it still don't work....

I do defrag and scan disc regularly but not before downloads. I don't download often... That scares me.. I work with this computer..... HAHA

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

in a meeting right now but as soon as its done i will be trying to figure something out to help Emily

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

BJ we are going to have to get you a white stetson and a horse if you keep riding to the rescue. You have been a big help to so many around here in getting the bugs worked out.

Apr 16, 2008 Like it
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