Direct Matches - The Business Opportunity

Posted by Emily Tanksley
Dec 4, 2007

Direct Matches - The Business Opportunity!

The business opportunity at Direct Matches has opened more than a few doors for me. Now, it is not a get rich quick business but it is definetly one that you can build. It starts off as a supplement to the income that you have already but grows into so much more. I have been there since June of this year and I have gained so much knowledge from my sponsor on promoting my other businesses while earning money from Direct Matches.

It Is Getting Paid To Advertise Your Present Business!

I know that more than a few have had a bad experience with Direct Matches, but it was not the company. That was due to bad sponsorship. How do I know this? Because I had been a member previous to this time and I asked questions, tried to call, sent numerous emails, and never got one reply from my Direct Matches sponsor.

My sponsor that I have now contacted me and I really liked what she had to say. I signed up under her and BOOM! I was in business.

How do you earn? SIMPLY REFER AND INVITE! And I have great tips on how to get you started!

For every upgrade you will make a Power Pay Plus commission that pays you one-time half of the upgrade fee. For example - If someone upgrades to the executive level $29.95, you earn $15. Then there is binary commissions - You will have 2 legs, one of them is spillover from me and one is the members you put in. When you get 4 upgrades on each leg you receive a binary commission.

LET ME TELL YOU SOME OF THE PERKS of being an upgraded member at Direct Matches!

It is easy to get people to sign up for Direct Matches because it is FREE ADVERTISING for their business. Free classifieds, blogging, forums, events, and more!

When someone signs up for Direct Matches through your link, you get their phone number and email address AND their permission for you to contact them. Great way to make new CONTACTS! When you contact them you can talk to them about Direct Matches and your other businesses and/or products and find out about theirs!

Direct Matches has a Group Mail Feature where you can mail 60 contacts a day to network and promote yourself.

Direct Matches has a MRM system that helps you with the downline upgrading process. It is a MLM - ONE THAT WORKS WELL.

If this interests you, I would definetly like to tell you more! I can't give away all my tips at once but I am sure that you will make money!

Please feel free to ask questions or if you would like to sign up please do so HERE


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Comments (6)
Emily Tanksley

I use the group mail program to invite people to Apsense..LOL

I just promote for Direct Matches.. That is where I make my money.. It is an mlm, but I have met so many new people to help and to join in this venture...and of coarse to promote myself and my other business and programs too...

I do pay the $30 a month to be an executive but I have always made more than that back in a month- in the first month too. I am still finding ways to work this thing.....

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


oh no..not negative..but Emily I don't have the

I stay busy enough than having to weed through all of them.

Again, I have def gotten customers and even a two biz partners from DM. I am just talking about the making money part with them........and then they make you pay just to receive messages or read them. I think they need to give that one up.

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Emily Tanksley

I love the spam... My spam ALWAYS gets an offer back from me..A reverse marketing technique.. Works great!

And that is one great piece of knowledge that I have gained from Direct Matches and my sponsor there!

So Jenn, don't look at it negatively.. Use it to your advantage!

Dec 7, 2007 Like it
Jennifer Underwood


Well of course I wish you the best. :0)

I have gotten many subscribers from over there. I just get tired of all the spam. But when I see a phone me, I call. :0)

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Emily Tanksley

Sorry you guys had the bad experiences! Direct Matches is working great for me. I have the stubs and the downline to prove it.

As I said it is bad leadership on your sponsors part if it didn't work for you. I work with my free members just as I work with my paid members so they can use Direct Matches to the fullest. To me it is the BEST! Nothing else that I was in paid me like this so I will keep on trucking!

thank you guys for having a look and leaving me the feedback!

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Not Here

just want my account deleted

Hi Emily,

Is this what you were telling me about? lol, well I got a bit of a story for you on this one...believe it or not I have been contacted to join direct matches about 100 times...and then I finally did just because the person who asked me actually responded to my questions and gave good feedback...unlike the multitudes before him. I have still yet to do anything with it and as of yet not sure that I will but you definetly got me thinking about it again.

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
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