Birthday Wishes Are In Order!

Posted by Emily Tanksley
Dec 4, 2007
737 Views will be a year old tommorrow! Happy Birthday CandlesWork!

Right now it is a PR3 site and if you do a google search for "work at home opportunities", it is #6!

I wanted to create my own site of work at home opportunities and resources and I named it after my first opportunity and favorite things... CANDLES!

I hope this coming year it continues to get better and better as it did this year!

Stop by and check it out! It would be a great place to advertise YOUR opportunity!

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Comments (3)
Emily Tanksley

Thanks for taking a look Lisa....

That site is like my baby! Of coarse I have Apsense on there because it is my favorite networking site! LOL networking is what all people in business needs to do!

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

I took a look. Very cool!

All of the networks are there too, including Apsense!

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

I love candles!!!! I have them all over my house, everywhere.

Number six! That really is impressive.

I'll check out your biz. I could always use more candles.


Dec 6, 2007 Like it
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