How Do You Stay Organized? This Is What Helps Me!

Posted by Emily Tanksley
Dec 1, 2007

Organization in the business world is a must! Life is so much easier and so much time is saved.

I try to be organized, but having several businesses will always throw the best of track. I have a planner, cork board, and all the other necessary touch equipment but that does not really help me keep all my different businesses and ads seperate and easy to get to. My computer desktop,notepad, copy/paste, and folders saves my DAY!

I didn't realize until some of my downline started asking me how I stayed organized that maybe this was a problem we all in the home business world share. We all have the resources right on the computer desktop to do most of the job, but some do not know how to create a folder on the desktop. So I am writing this to help!

I am posting my tips here and YOU please feel free to post yours too. Even if you think everyone already knows because they don't. Let's help each other save time and lots of stress by being able to find things quickly.


Copy And Paste
Step 1.  Highlight word, words, sentences, paragraphs or pictures you'd 
             like to see moved from one page to another or area.

Step 2.   Example:  Start at the beginning of the sentence and 
               hold left click on mouse down. Hold this till the end of the
                                      word or sentence.

Step 3.   Let go of left click on mouse than move cursor to over 
              highlighted area and right click copy.

Step 4.    Move cursor to area , or email you would like this sentence 
               moved to and right click and select paste


Useful for saving information and ads.

 * The notepad feature on your computer can be very helpful. 
    You can paste notes, ads and save them to a folder or use multiple notepads 
    to copy/paste ads for advertising purposes.
    This is how to get to it on your computer desk top* 
 Step 1. Click on "start" in the lower left hand side of your computer screen
 Step 2.  Go to  "All Programs"                                        
 Step 3.  Go to  "Accessories"                                         
 Step 4.  Go to   "Notepad"                                              
 Step 5 . You can also add it to your desktop for convenience by
             right clicking on  "notepad"  and click "sent it to" then
             click "desktop" 

Creating Folders

-  If you have more than one business or 
   just feel unorganized -  create some folders!

Step 1.  On your desktop - Right click the mouse -                            
            choose new - then choose folder


Step 2.  You can name the folder ex. Direct Matches to make it          
            easier to find in a hurry
Step 3.  You can even make a folder inside that folder just for ex. banners, ads  

 Adding Content To Folder
                 At this point you have already added a folder to your desktop
                 to get you a little more organized.  Now you need to add some content to the folder.
                 You can add anything you wish: a text file using notepad, a banner file, html files, etc...
                 Here goes how:
Step 1. Text File From Notepad(non html text only)                
           Click on "file" in the top left hand corner of the notepad screen
           Click "save"
            Browse the different folders and find the one you want to put the content in and where it
            says "file name" at the bottom of the screen you can type the name of the file you are 
            saving and then click "save" - your done!

Step 2.  Text File From Wordpad (for html or rich text files)          
            Click on "file" in the top left hand corner of the wordpad screen
            Click "save"
             Browse the different folders and find the one you want to put the content in
             and where it says "file name" at the bottom of the screen you can type the 
             name of the file you are saving and then click "save" - your done!

Step 3. Pages, Banner files, Etc...                                               
           Click on "file" in the top left hand corner of the screen Click "save" 
            Browse the different folders and find the one you want to put the content in
            and where it says "file name" at the bottom of the screen you can type the name 
            of the file you are saving and then click "save" - your done!
Retrieving Content From Folder
                Go to your desktop and click on the folder your content is in.
                Then just click on the file you want and it should open.
                 Remember - you can make a sub folder inside the main folder -
                 Ex. My folder's name is Direct Matches
                 Inside that folder I have a sub folder for "ads" - a sub folder for "banners" ETC.....



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Comments (2)
Emily Tanksley

I am glad that you liked the tips Lisa! If you have any to add please do. i have to be organized or I just wind up going in circles...LOL

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
Lisa G.

Health Wellness & Wealth Consultant

Thanks for the tips!

Organization is my hardest and most challenging chore on the internet and off the

These tips will come in very handy!

Tops to you!

Dec 6, 2007 Like it
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