Now you have joined APSense what should you do next? Part 2- APSense Help

Posted by Bj aka Bill Brown
Aug 26, 2007
Now you have joined APSense what should you do next? Part 2- APSense Help

If you have not read part 1 please CLICK HERE to do so before reading this part.

Setting up your own "APSense Group".

The reason you need to set up your own "Group" is to give you a base of operation. Somewhere were you can post articles on the product or service you are promoting, be it online or off line makes no difference; You have a product or service you want to offer to people, and to get people to take notice and check out your product you need to promote it. By writing articles (to which you signature file will be attached don’t forget) you are not only going to get noticed here in "APSense" but the search engines are going to find you as well.

This is where I come back to not posting the same copy and past ad all over the place. Search engines like "Unique Content" so the more articles you can publish that are different from each other the better for you.
This is where "Your Group" comes in. If you post decent content in your group then sooner or later you are going to get some interaction going with other members. Don’t get disheartened if it does not happen right away. If you believe in what you are promoting then you keep at it.

Look at my main group and the articles I have posted and how little feedback I get in there compared to the number of members in the group. Am I disappointed? Yes, but I know that I am not going to give up and eventually I will get reaction. I get quite a few private messages thanking me for the help I provide. It tells me that my posts are being read, as does the number of views that the posts have had.

The point is it takes time to get established in a new community. People don’t know you and they don’t know if you are a BS artist or not. It’s down to you to prove you are not, and that you are genuine and know what you are talking about.

Ok so lets get the Group set up.
Click on the main tab "Group Discussions"
On the light blue band just below the main tabs click on "Create My Own Group"

Give your Group a title. And make it relevant to what you are going to be posing in there.

Next select the appropriate "Category" from the drop down menu.

Next fill in a "Description" You can also include the rules you want to be respected when others post in your Group. If you do not want members spam posting their ads in there then state it clearly. This is "YOUR" group and "YOU" decide how you will run it and what is acceptable and what not.

You can upload a photo of your choice, it can be a product logo or your own photo, its your call what you use. This is done the same as described in the "Uploading Your Photo" section above.

"Membership Policy" Unless you are running a private support group for a particular program you need to have this set at "Public" so that everyone can see what you are posting in there and they be able to join the group.

"Group Admin" When you are first starting I personally think you should set this to "Not Accept" Once you get established and you feel you need help in running the group you can always edit it to allow people to apply for an admin position, and then re edit it once you have enough.
There may be disagreement on this item but being the admin of a group means you have a responsibility to that group to ensure that the rules are followed and if you spread your self too thin you can not give all the groups the attention they need.

"Post Limitation" I would say leave this at Zero. If you place a minimum honor point’s requirement you will be reducing your chances of getting interaction going.

Once this has been completed than click on the "Submit" button and your group is created.

Now to ad a post to the group you simply Click on "Add Subject" Fill in the title and the body of the post and click the "Submit" button.

"Business Blogs"
Just as you can use the Groups to post articles you can also use "Blogs"
To create a "Blog" Click on the Top tab "Business Blogs" then on the light blue band just below the main tabs click on "Create My Own Blog"

With the "Blogs" there is a fast rule you should not break.

Ok to create the "Blog" fill in the "Title"
Select the correct "Category"
Add a "Photo""jpg" format
Add an "Audio" If you wish. This must be "MP3" format and less than "1meg"
For the "Description" if you know "HTML" or use the tips and tricks I gave you in "part 8 of setting up your "Business Center" then you can click on the "HTML" tab at the bottom of the window and paste in your "HTML" code. If not you can simply type in your content and then use the options available to set up the layout.

When you have completed the content click on the "Submit" button and your blog is published.

Still here? Great it means you really do want to set yourself up and do things right.

Right now I just want to say enjoy using "APSense". Use it right and make it work for you. This is a very powerful site and it is going to get even better so don’t throw that power away. Also don’t forget to tell your friends about "APSense", invite them to join you and build your network.
Social Networking is about people helping people, so tell them to read these tutorials so they too get off to a good start.

If you need any help then contact me either through the message system or post your questions here and I will answer them for you.
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Comments (35)
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Marsha32 and Marsha,

I owe you both an appology for not responding sooner.
Some how I either missed the notifications that you both had posted or saw them and at that instant wasnt able to reply due to other work I had to do.

Thank you both for the feed back I hope my other articles will also be as helpfull to you both.

There is not a way to integrate your other blog however it would be more benefical to you to use both.

Nov 27, 2007 Like it
Rocky Pacley

I have said this before and this is the truth
you have the answers within the answer
you have to read and learn.

I have learned a great deal from listening to
what you've documented here at Apsense
and the way I still keep on discovering
different ways to be successful as an on line

This is an important factor that has been a
leader for me.

Find a veteran on line marketer and follow their
methods as long as the concept are getting the
job done it is easy to get to where you w

Nov 27, 2007 Like it
Manisha Verma

thanks this was most helpful, I am bookmarking this. Is there a way we can add our existing blog to apsense as I have a blog and its doing well, but to maintain two blogs will become slightly difficult for me at present.

Oct 28, 2007 Like it
Marsha Seiberling

I just joined apsense today so I have printed your 2 part advice in hopes of better understanding how to make the most of the program. thanks for the help.


Oct 19, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi James,

I get the information by spending a lot of time studying the site in minute detail and figuring it out, then when I have done that I write the articles to save others the very steep learning curve I had to go through.

Oct 11, 2007 Like it
James Parker


Well Bill you keep doing a great job showing us less knowledgeable how to use this and other sites where do you get all the information it's fantastic and so easy to follow thanks Bill your friend James Parker.

Oct 11, 2007 Like it
Briane Pascual


thank you for this information

Oct 9, 2007 Like it
Shrihari Sawant


Thanks for this very important information and as a new member to this site this is of great help to me.
If I have not read all thr detail I would have been little confused. Following the tips you have given I have created my own blog today and published also.

Sep 30, 2007 Like it
Linda Welch

Thank You, I was lost but you found me. I was a little confused

Sep 29, 2007 Like it
Jill Davidson

Thanks, this has been a great help to me.

Sep 28, 2007 Like it

I Haven't Words to Appreciate your efforts............................................

Sep 24, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Iris,

When I produce my help articles I work from the point of view of a complete novice that has never tried to do anything on the subject I am covering.

Yes its very basic for someone with experience but by doing things the way I do, I hope that it will help everyone and the novice will not get put off and give up because they dont know where to start.

Sep 19, 2007 Like it
Iris Jackson

Hi! BJ, thanks for the help it's really help me understand apsense, i really thought i was doin well then after a few setting up im lost, thanks for the step-by-step instruction you ellaborate the steps more....thanks.

Sep 19, 2007 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Grena,

I see your signature is not working correctly and I cant see why as you appear to have used the correct coding.

contact me through private message with the coding you have used and I will see if i can figure it out for you.

Sep 3, 2007 Like it
Grena Bowers

Bill without your help I would have been lost. You showed me step by step and thats what I needed. Thank You!!!!!!! Your help does not go unnoticed. Grena Bowers Jr.

Aug 27, 2007 Like it
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