Yet more abuse going on.

Posted by Bj aka Bill Brown
Jul 16, 2011
I have entered this under legal as abuse of the APSense is a legal matter.

There are certain people, that should know better, setting a very bad example to other members.

They are using  the status message to advertise, the most blatant abuse is putting  urls in the status message. Other forms of advertising, such as soliciting  to visit the  offenders  profile, soliciting their products, etc are also being  used.

Status  is to be used to tell others  how you are, how you feel, and  so on. I refer everyone to The Wikipedia definition of Status Message

The trolls are getting the uper hand  to a point that APSense is sailing very close to the wind. I do not want to see four years of work thrown down the drain. SO are you a troll or are you a serious member. One way to distinguish is to look at your Status message. 

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Comments (7)
Keith Sass

Internet Marketer

Let us keep this excellent site up and running.Please do not abuse this opportunity for
Great exposure!

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Yup. Apsense is turning in a Walhalla for spam and scam. It is a shame since APSense was going in the rifght direction before the upgrade. It also worries me that no more is done about the scam. Sure the tos said it is not allowed. But we all know that not everyone reads tos and even id they do, many people do not investigate anything. They join everything that promises big bucks.

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
Patrick Isherwood


Strangely enough I was thinking of doing what I should not do today, now I will certainly not do it.

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
Brenda W.

Life Learner

Thank you for setting the record straight on what the "status message" should be used for. I will do my best NOT to become an offender. Everyone needs to see this message.Thanks for your post.

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
Michael H.

Affiliate Marketer

I totally agree with you bjantiques. The status message should never be used for advertising purposes.

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Thank you Cheryl that was something I should have included will pin your comment so it is a continuation of the post.

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

Not just the staus messages but the comments have been getting spammed with urls too. I was royally pissed off the other day when someone posted a comment on my news event that was a referral url to a program that I consider nothing more than a scam and I had no way of removing it. Yes it is quickly becoming a spammers paradise around here. I guess that's why members who have been here for years adding content and helping to build this site are leaving and looking for other places to go that

Jul 16, 2011 Like it
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