Now you have joined APSense what should you do next? Part 2- APSense Help

Posted by Bj aka Bill Brown
Aug 26, 2007
Now you have joined APSense what should you do next? Part 2- APSense Help

If you have not read part 1 please CLICK HERE to do so before reading this part.

Setting up your own "APSense Group".

The reason you need to set up your own "Group" is to give you a base of operation. Somewhere were you can post articles on the product or service you are promoting, be it online or off line makes no difference; You have a product or service you want to offer to people, and to get people to take notice and check out your product you need to promote it. By writing articles (to which you signature file will be attached don’t forget) you are not only going to get noticed here in "APSense" but the search engines are going to find you as well.

This is where I come back to not posting the same copy and past ad all over the place. Search engines like "Unique Content" so the more articles you can publish that are different from each other the better for you.
This is where "Your Group" comes in. If you post decent content in your group then sooner or later you are going to get some interaction going with other members. Don’t get disheartened if it does not happen right away. If you believe in what you are promoting then you keep at it.

Look at my main group and the articles I have posted and how little feedback I get in there compared to the number of members in the group. Am I disappointed? Yes, but I know that I am not going to give up and eventually I will get reaction. I get quite a few private messages thanking me for the help I provide. It tells me that my posts are being read, as does the number of views that the posts have had.

The point is it takes time to get established in a new community. People don’t know you and they don’t know if you are a BS artist or not. It’s down to you to prove you are not, and that you are genuine and know what you are talking about.

Ok so lets get the Group set up.
Click on the main tab "Group Discussions"
On the light blue band just below the main tabs click on "Create My Own Group"

Give your Group a title. And make it relevant to what you are going to be posing in there.

Next select the appropriate "Category" from the drop down menu.

Next fill in a "Description" You can also include the rules you want to be respected when others post in your Group. If you do not want members spam posting their ads in there then state it clearly. This is "YOUR" group and "YOU" decide how you will run it and what is acceptable and what not.

You can upload a photo of your choice, it can be a product logo or your own photo, its your call what you use. This is done the same as described in the "Uploading Your Photo" section above.

"Membership Policy" Unless you are running a private support group for a particular program you need to have this set at "Public" so that everyone can see what you are posting in there and they be able to join the group.

"Group Admin" When you are first starting I personally think you should set this to "Not Accept" Once you get established and you feel you need help in running the group you can always edit it to allow people to apply for an admin position, and then re edit it once you have enough.
There may be disagreement on this item but being the admin of a group means you have a responsibility to that group to ensure that the rules are followed and if you spread your self too thin you can not give all the groups the attention they need.

"Post Limitation" I would say leave this at Zero. If you place a minimum honor point’s requirement you will be reducing your chances of getting interaction going.

Once this has been completed than click on the "Submit" button and your group is created.

Now to ad a post to the group you simply Click on "Add Subject" Fill in the title and the body of the post and click the "Submit" button.

"Business Blogs"
Just as you can use the Groups to post articles you can also use "Blogs"
To create a "Blog" Click on the Top tab "Business Blogs" then on the light blue band just below the main tabs click on "Create My Own Blog"

With the "Blogs" there is a fast rule you should not break.

Ok to create the "Blog" fill in the "Title"
Select the correct "Category"
Add a "Photo""jpg" format
Add an "Audio" If you wish. This must be "MP3" format and less than "1meg"
For the "Description" if you know "HTML" or use the tips and tricks I gave you in "part 8 of setting up your "Business Center" then you can click on the "HTML" tab at the bottom of the window and paste in your "HTML" code. If not you can simply type in your content and then use the options available to set up the layout.

When you have completed the content click on the "Submit" button and your blog is published.

Still here? Great it means you really do want to set yourself up and do things right.

Right now I just want to say enjoy using "APSense". Use it right and make it work for you. This is a very powerful site and it is going to get even better so don’t throw that power away. Also don’t forget to tell your friends about "APSense", invite them to join you and build your network.
Social Networking is about people helping people, so tell them to read these tutorials so they too get off to a good start.

If you need any help then contact me either through the message system or post your questions here and I will answer them for you.
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Comments (35)
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@Paula yes I know you are linking to them and I appreciate it.

The more that see it the better.

May 22, 2011 Like it
Paula van Dun


Well the ones not active (in a constructive way) are missing out.
These what to do next pages are referred to in my newbies group too

May 22, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

True, my observation is that there are hardly 25-30 who seem to be active all over this site. When I checked the members directory randomly from a - z, I found a very high number has only joined to say - I'll add my bio later. The only people who top or comment are all there to see on home page of APSense. Further, some who joined in 2007 and were active do not seem to be around this site. It's just a brief study I made yesterday trying understand the paradox or dilemma you have pointed out. Reg

May 22, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@Mohan I am more than happy for the link to be passed on by those I send it to. It would be good to at least pass it to your network and those you have a contact with.

What I do not understand is that the pages have had around 1200 views but only 20 or so tops.

It would appear they rather top trash ads than real, useful information.

May 22, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

You are absolutely right, there, bj. I have this bad habit of noting down important stuff and planning to read later at leisure and I tend to forget (perhaps with age). What was I trying to imply that I had joined APSense a year ago but somehow found it tough to go forward. It is only about two months or so I decided to understand the system. No offence was meant to you at all when I made the suggestion to make available such introductions to new members! Regards.

May 22, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

@Mohan there is absolutely no reason for you not to have read my tutorials long ago.

You are on my contacts list and EVERY ONE that I have as a contact is sent an informational message giving advice AND also giving a link to my index for these tutorials.

I send out that info message as soon as I am informed that a person has accepted my contact request or as soon as I accept a contact request the message is sent.

This has been the way I have worked ever since I wrote these tutoria

May 22, 2011 Like it
Mohann Krish

Hi bj, you won't believe yesterday I went to the sitemap and found your tutorials (8 parts) and today I see your articles in the news feed! And I wonder why the Wiki's section called 'Tutorials' is yet to be created. I would also suggest that once a new member joins either he should get an alert on the 'Tutorials' or give an option to download the authoritative APSense Guide.

If only I had I had come across this when I had joined, I wouldn't have taken so much time to be active here! Regards

May 22, 2011 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

until now I have only ever had 3 groups but I plan to re assess shortly and my spam group I am considering stopping in favour of the group run by Dawie -- this will give me room to expand and grow my groups in other directions

Dec 2, 2010 Like it
Paula van Dun


You are only allowed to create 5 groups so use it wisely. I have set up one as a support group for my downline and to provide information for those who are interested. And i created for fellow country people of netherlands, belgium and other countries where they speak Dutch

Dec 2, 2010 Like it
Kevin H.

Internet Marketing

Thanks Bill for providing this valuable information. It's better having the knowledge come from experienced individuals such as yourself. Thanks, Kevin

Dec 2, 2010 Like it
Ohmi Thaper

Hi sir, Thank you for providing me complete information about what i have to do naxt.This website is such a very good website. This provided me every thig i wanted. Thank you...............

Nov 3, 2010 Like it
Valerie Eagles

This infor was very helpful. Thanks

Sep 18, 2010 Like it
Gilberto Cintron

Viral, Local, Social & Mobile Marketing Expert

Thanks again Bj. I'm still following your steps. Now onto some of your other very helpful articles.

Sep 10, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Rose,

I have years of support experience which i suppose helps when trying to explain things.

If you have questions on the setting up of your account here in APSense it is probably answered in the series, and if you have people needing help send them to the main post which has each part listed and linked in it.

Mar 15, 2010 Like it
Rose Vidal

Paralegal, Marketing & Promotion

Thanks BJ it is very useful. You are a talented man, wish I explain it the way you do here. Better to give than to receive, it will come back to you.

Mar 14, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Nathan good to see you are willing to find out how to do things in APSense.

Mar 9, 2010 Like it
Nathan Goolsby

I appreciate the guide to get set up and this information here is very clear to me. Thanks for being here for us all.

Mar 9, 2010 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Jen

you are welcome. but be warned there is a lot of reading to do lol

Jan 20, 2009 Like it
Jen Casey

Thanks a lot for the info BJ, I am going to keep on reading your articles since I am learning a lot from them.

Jan 20, 2009 Like it
Bj aka Bill Brown

Hosting and Backup Service provider

Hi Rocky

I just happened to figure out last night that between my business partner and I we have a combined Internet experience of over 20 years, and a combined computer experience of over 55 years.

Now despite this and despite the vast knowledge we have gathered between us it does not mean we know it all. In fact far from it we learn new things every day.

All we can do is try to impart some of that knowledge to others in the hope they don't make the same mistakes we made.


Nov 27, 2007 Like it
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