Contact Info
Married... 2 Kids... Business Owner... Passionate Environmentalist... Horticulturalist... I Live in Tasmania... ONE Group Representative...
Interests - Website design... Web marketing... Gardening... Politics... Cooking...
Television - Prison Break... Ugly Betty... Bionic Women...
Sport - Cricket...
Jul 2007
This is the first product ABC that I have seen with such an outstanding presentation. Really Nice job.
A beautifully presented site. So calming and the information is easy to access and easy reading. Knew straight away what the site was about without h...
Your site makes mine look like an amateur's. If i wasn't an amateur, i would feel bad. I just hope I can do as well in the future.
Lovely website with a good choice of layout and colors for your product. It's really good reading text with the url links incorporated into text. I'v...
Very nicely done ! Great balance of pictures and text ! Congrats!