Writing without having anything in mind

Posted by Pawan Kumar Jha
Aug 24, 2016

Let me tell you the truth – it happens with me many a time, that I write something out of a clueless mind.

Sounds weird? 

Maybe. But this is the truth or what I feel to say is, you know, kinda esoteric.

I understand that quality writing is not possible unless you have something quality in mind or you are in the possession of incredible ideas in your mind, as best writing always exacts ideas convincing enough to entice your readers to read your stuff and feel like sharing in their friends’ circles. But in my case, the principle of writing is not waiting for having something, you know, incredible materials in your mind, because if you tend to think like that or try to feed your mind with this thought, then writing will always seem, well – elusive.

But the nature of my writing surely makes a distinguishable sort of, um…. distinction, when I write something out of no idea and having something great in my mind because that is precisely the time of writing that I believe will make my readers understand my say.

Well, I guess most of you might be thinking what kind of psychedelic drugs I am on that drives me into talking these silly talks. Ha! If you ask me, even I don’t know if you all feel similar kind of situation when you start to write aimlessly or clueless as I am doing now.

Does that mean I am crazy nut shooting the breeze out of whimsical fancy of mine?

Whoa, no way!

As I have said this many times that I am a writer and I have written some of, well, not so globally renowned, but at least good articles in the past and I know one or two things about writing. So, here’s the catch behind this crazy, passion-driven writer who doesn’t give a thought for reconsideration when one of the nerves of his cerebellum discharges thought-provoking (you-know-who) kind of stuff, and that good-naturedly encourages me to write, write, write.

Reconsideration is pointless activity. “Just write” is what my mind whispers to me.

This is the reason my hands as if controlled by some mystical powers guided from another “Me” inside take a firm grip on the keyboard of my home PC, and what follows thereafter, is clacking sound of keyboard, a noise produced by my fingers when they drum against the keyboard while writing something stupid, or esoteric stuff on Word.

When it comes to writing, whether or not you have something to say in your mind, it doesn’t matter. What matters is your drive for writing and this is something that helps you keep on keeping on. So long you have this drive alive and kicking inside of you, there is no chance in hell that you’d stumble upon any excuse or cook up a single one for writing. Matter of fact – you will feel driven to this tickling urge; boot up computer system or laptop, open Word file and start to write – anything!

Well, I understand this sort of writing is usually considered personal views of yours and therefore, it doesn’t draw attention of those readers seeking quality inputs out of your content. Is that a big deal? Well, I don’t think so. Still, if this is what makes you feel to be always serious in writing and be prepared for best thoughts, then I think you are losing or not appreciating one of the most precious privileges of writing.

It is - Just write!

There have been many moments in my life in which I ended up reading contents of other writers and felt myself slowly arriving at what psychologists often term as ‘inferiority complex’ syndrome. Why? Because in those moments of reading contents of other writers made me feel guilty about myself and I started to believe that I was good for nothing compared to them. 

“Wow! This person writes well and seems well-read smartass” was kind of thought I found myself being heavily influenced with. 

So, this is what happens with persons like me who over-read stuffs promising you make a good writer if you follow their (contrived or pontificated) steps/tips. Fact is, and as I believe it so, there is no rule in writing. You are advised not to abide by any such thing tantamount to teaching you follow this and that step to become a writer. 

This is just to make you feel encouraged while such write ups often end up increasing their viewership counts, page ranking in search engines and Google love them for being, you know – trustworthy.

How come? Because of gullible readers, like you, or me.

To be a great writer, all you need is practice and persistence.

But before all of these, train your mind not to fall prey to procrastination

This is cancerous.

I don’t know who said this, but the anonymous dude deserves words of praise for saying that writing was all about starting. I stand this and propose it to be guiding principle for every writer.

For novice, I’d advise follow baby steps.

If you ask me, writing without having anything in mind is kind of crazy way of writing, but it is a great way that at least you stick to the practice. For example, if I didn’t start writing this stuff today, and instead let my procrastination run over the spirit of “little writer” inside me, just because I was in ‘waiting’ mode for incredible idea to pop up in my mind, then believe me, even I would have ended up spending the day doing no writing.

What a waste of the time for the day!

Let me know how you found this write-up. I know this is simply an erratic, thoughtless creation of mine, but the ulterior motive behind was to communicate my say that you can’t put your crave for ‘immediate’ writing on hold just because somewhere in your heart you feel this is going to be generic, and so, your readers will not like it. There will be no one visiting your website’s blog page.

In these five years, I have experienced that you can’t PLEASE EVERYONE! 

Yes, audiences matter, but what matters is YOU, and your perception about the little writer in you. Let your say be heard or at least be out on the webpage of your blog. So what others find it good or not? Writing with or without thought doesn’t kill the spirit of writing, rather it helps you stay committed to your art of expression.

Just draw up a line between professionalism and personalism

- Pawan Kumar Jha

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Comments (1)
Cindy Bolley


Your mind may of been clueless when you stated this article but once again it was transformed into something wonderful to read..... Thanks for adding a smile to my day... I just love how you write!

Aug 24, 2016 1 Like Like it
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