The writing advice I hate most?

Posted by Pawan Kumar Jha
Sep 3, 2016
If someone or any write-up tries to convince me that audience matters and therefore, one should write according to what pleases discretion of audience, believe me, I hate that advice as much as I hate litters. 

When I started to learn writing, I was sponfed this shitty advice about ‘write for readers’ kind of horseshit and my ego was on fire, just because I was forced to write craps that my discretion and conscience never allowed me do that. 

Later when realization hit me that writing for readers matters for those who want to write from commercial viewpoint, which means – earning money from what you write, and for this to happen on practical ground, you must write what others seek as a piece of information. 

I had worked in many companies and each one wanted me to write something that they thought should be good enough to be on their website, just because some (faceless) people would visit their website and read those contents I wrote (grudgingly). 

What surprised me most was their inability to understand the readers as well! 

Really? Oh common man! One the one hand you make this strategy of writing ‘people-pleasing' content, and then on the other hand, you have no damn idea who your audiences are, like - what they do, what is their reading behavior, with what kind of mentality they read your content, and psychologically how they feel related to your content. 

None of the information you have and still you dare impose your vague “write for audiences’ idea on me? Who could buy this groundless idea? 

This is where my ego takes a nasty turn as a feeling of rage on so called learned nerds.

‘Pawan we write content for our readers, because you know, we need to have some decent traffics on our website. If you don’t write what we think you should, it will harm our business.” 

These were the words of most of the so called learned guys who tried to convince me about the significance of audiences, which quite consequently bore in my mind the haunting feeling that If I didn’t write for those godforsaken audiences, my career as a writer would be finished. 

Believe me, this MURDERED my creativity, or at least it was like a slow-poison inflicting damage on my creative expression as a writer, for I was forced to write something my creativity did not much agree with. 

Well, I may sound that I am a harsh critique on readers, but reality is I am not. I do not hate people who are going to read this content of mine or will not read it all out after reading few paragraphs of my vitriolic tonality. 

As a matter of fact, I do not hate anyone, but I do not, as well, like to buy this doctrine of ‘audiences matter’ because as a writer, I believe that writing involves putting your thoughts in the most creative way so that you can create of which you feel it resonates with your inner thoughts. 

Yes, this sort of writing is not from a commercial point of view, but then again, if you feel that you have tremendous knowledge about a particular subject and you are sure of it, then why would you approve to others’ criticism trying to convince you not to go for what you believe as true? 

For example, if you believe that the sun sets in the west and day and night are the result of Earth revolving around the Sun, will you buy others saying something against your insight? I hope, not.

Write what you believe not what others try to say of which you think is not acceptable for your discretion. Whether you are experienced or novice writer, if you give too much care of “audiences matter” kind of thing, you will have your creativity waned, and your thoughts disorganized, confused or drifted. 

What if you wrote something awesome to your belief and it turns out to be howl of derision just because some pedantic readers thought it as off-the-context material? It hurts. And believe me, when you are ambushed by the mob of critiques, it is difficult to make the wolf-pack understand. 

Is your sanity worth the deal for such nasty sort of ambushed argumentation? Think it over.
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Comments (2)
Pawan Kumar Jha

Technical Writer. Blogger.

Ha! Ha! Well, that was not when I started to write this stuff. The experience of dealing with "audience matter" advice is very old. Thanks for your comment.

You are very appreciative toward fellow writers.

Oct 22, 2016 1 Like Like it
Cindy Bolley


Another great read Pawan..
Though I think someone may of pissed you off before you wrote it.....

Oct 12, 2016 1 Like Like it
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