An esoteric thought of mine for today

Posted by Pawan Kumar Jha
Nov 24, 2016
Most writers (well, this is my personal standpoint), suffer with the tunnel vision in matters of branding and commercial gains, which I tend to interpret as their willful subjugation to the credo that "All things matter in monetary context". 

I am not sure if people will buy this theory of mine, because what I am saying may seem to be an overtly generalized principle bearing no discernible "quality" semblance with the discretion of others holding otherwise different credo on the same subject of logic. 

However, I tend to hold on to this principle, as my experiential involvement with couple of writers in past had me earned this (you may call it newfangled) individual perspective; that writers, quite in numbers, disapprove to the mainstream wisdom of "Creating something out of the box without overlooking readers". 

This is because, the age we have ushered in has people driven by their own ego, likes/dislikes and personal judgments over the world, which by and large, could become the subject of heated arguments, especially when you are unable to make them at peace with your logic of what is seen otherwise contrary to their own discretion. 

Under such circumstances, when you know that you are up to doing business the lifespan of which sustains by servicing to the discretion of these people as your prospective clients, the sane suggestion is "let the sleeping dogs lie" rather than prodding them into a devilry stance. 

My point is, when you are in the business of writing, or whether you write for personal pleasure by expressing things besotted with the frame of your mind, chances to bump into people with wolf-pack mentality are often (if not always) there. 

Yes you can spin off a story of your own wit to put the possible strife at bay, but in most cases, your stand in denial of people's long-held credo could reasonably land you in trouble of some kinds; maybe an ensuing exchange of heated words, or gradual depletion of traffic counts on your blog/website. 

Sometimes, your informed perspective on a topic needs to be made understood to those of your readers possessing knowledge of contrary nature from that of yours. Here, I tend to advise keeping your tonality professional, for most of the arguments are the result of wrong tone of voice from the participants of either side of the discussion. 

Content writing is a job where your place as a writer means nothing if you leave your readers in state of confusion, make them feel like they've slacked their thirst with ribs-frosting ice-water against anticipation of having a normal one. 

Be nice! Be quality. This is at least a modicum of showcasing civility to those coming to your blog for a reason of getting something valuable.
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