Vectorize To Banish Artwork Blurriness
The standards demanded by business owners and
their marketing representatives in terms of the artwork and branded items they
produce are naturally high. It is not
only corporate companies who find anything other than an exceptionally high quality
of printed collateral and products unacceptable. Local and central government bodies,
charities, schools, colleges and universities, sports teams, clubs and
societies… there is almost no end to the tally of very different organizations
who brand something with their imagery.
And there is not one single one of the multi millions who do that cannot
ramp up their collateral and products a notch with Vector Picture
The artwork, and logos, that most
organizations commission for their business cards, brochures, leaflets, posters
and a whole raft of other promotional products, is often originally created in
Raster or bitmap format. The term ‘bitmap’
actually helps you to gain a little insight in to what this format is all
about, as bitmap images constitute hundreds of thousands of bits – known as
pixels – on a grid. These multiply
colored pixels form composite images.
All well and good, except that when you need your artwork upscaling, say
for a large poster, pixels equate to pitiable poor quality.
Bitmap images are incapable of being
satisfactorily enlarged, as they become blurred and grainy of appearance when
upsized. As already established and
universally acknowledged, poor quality images do not make for high quality
collateral and branded products. It is
probably high time for you to look for a professional service to carry out
Vector picture restoration on your bitmap images. EPS Vector art mathematically
formulates the lines and curves of images.
Without underwhelming you with too much technical jargon, this means in
real terms that a Vector conversion of a bitmap image can be multiply upscaled
without ever losing its clarity and quality.
To Vector a picture is to eradicate pixels
and banish blurriness. Both are highly
detrimental to quality reproduction of your images in whichever forms you
choose to reproduce them. So many
businesses and organizations worldwide have Raster images that regularly needs
reformatting in to EPS Vector art.
Accordingly, many service providers offer Vector conversion.