Redraw your art, redraw your business
It is not a hyperbole
to say artwork determines the destiny of a company. Logos and artworks are the
mediums to reach to the clients. Impressive artwork leaves a long lasting and
positive impact on the audience whereas the contrary mars the impression. This
can be the main reason why there are so many agencies offering Art Redraw services and why there are
queues of companies waiting for their art works and company logo to get
To put in simple
words, art redraw is the process to redo an artwork. It should not be confused
with Photographic
While photographic restoration restores a blurred image into a prominent image,
the process of art redraw draws the art work again. It is one step ahead of
But why are all these
necessary for your company at all? Advertisements and billboards are a must for
the promotion of your company. Experts say, advertisements should contain more
of pictorial representation than words. It is because words need the audience’s
attention to get into their heads. But pictorial representation can tell a
thousands words just by a stroke. In such advertisements, the presence of
company’s own logos and artworks is must. But most often it is found that those
images are raster images that can not be expanded. So vectorizing is needed to
convert raster to vector. Now, this vector image can be printed. This is all
about picture restoration.
But art redraw is one
step more. At the time of Picture Restoration, it is often found that the lines of
the logo are not finely finished. When the logos or the artworks are in small
size, these minute details are most often overlooked. But now, coming to
billboards these flaws have to be mended. This process is known as art redraw.
Art redraw enables the company to rectify the
lines of the art works. This process involves vectorizing because art redraw
cannot be done on a raster image. All images consist of pixels. The pixels
determine the resolution of an image. Raster images are of smaller resolutions.
So redrawing is not possible. Vector artworks are suitable for redrawing. Once
the artwork is saved as EPS (encapsulated postscript) vector art, it can be edited
There are a number of
graphic designing agencies that provide with art redraw services. This is
becoming an in thing as art redraw is the only cost effective medium to replenish
the artwork of a company. Since artwork and logos uphold the ideas of a
company, it is very necessary to be flawless in art works. It is not possible
and ethical as well to change the logo of a company. So, art redraw is a
probable option to avail of if you want to reorient the visual appearance of
your company to your clients.
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