Posted by Bill Harrison
Aug 15, 2017

First, let me attempt to define the purposes of government and religion. There are multi definitions of these and I do not intend to describe all of the variations but if you so desire you can offer your own. Suffice it to say that government and political systems exist to protect people’s rights and to keep their evil tendencies at bay while protecting their rights of life, liberty, property, work, rest, worship, and freedom of press from those who would diminish them. This is usually done by establishing structure and laws for governing purposes (a government is the authority that rules over a country's body of politics). Religion, on the other hand, is a system of beliefs involving the worship of supernatural forces or beings (God). The beliefs provide shape and meaning to one's self and sense of order in what might otherwise be seen as a chaotic existence. For most religious people, their beliefs about the supernatural are at the very core of their world views. Religion plays an important role in social control by defining what is right and wrong behavior. While the two may have aims that, in some cases, are similar or overlapping, their focus is entirely different. Although these distinctions are clear, many nations allow one or the other function to control the nation. While most nations have majority populations with religious beliefs, there are 11 with majority populations having non-religious beliefs, China being the largest. Some states are totally ruled by religion including Vatican City, Islamic States and some others.

The root of most wars is over religion or by religious groups. While the fight is for land or control of resources, it is generally between zealous groups invading other less economically poor groups forcing them to adapt to their way of life (usually religion). Less religious nations tend to be the least likely to go to war. Among these are Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and the Netherlands. What is surprising is that three of these five nations are among the top 10 least religious nations in the world (from Gallup). So, if we could eliminate religious groups from fighting one another, the world would be a better place to live in. You only need to look at the current wars: Sunnis against Shiites, Israel against Muslims, Caliphate and others against Northern African countries, Pakistan against India over Kashmir, Kurds against Turkey, ISIS against the world, Taliban against Afghan, Saudi Arabia against Iran in Yemen, etc.

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