Posted by Bill Harrison
Aug 30, 2024

Video Toy dates back to the 1970’s when Lieutenant Colonel William C Harrison (Pictured above is baby Colonel Harrison) was completing his military service and reviewing what his next career steps should be. Artificial Intelligence (AI) was in its infant stage but represented an interesting challenge, especially the features that could be made to be human like. Then, Colonel Harrison noticed while visiting a Toys R Us store how those marvelous toys, baby toys, were so magnanimous in their movement. Naturally, he wondered what they would look like in a video display. In the 1990’s, he heard about a movie called “Toy Story” that had put toys to animation and, while he has never seen the movie, he, himself being a scientist, thought that was very enlightening. So, in early 2000, Colonel Harrison researched the internet worldwide to see if there was a word called “videotoy.” To his surprise, there was no word found on the internet by anyone or any nation by that name. On February 21, 2000, Colonel Harrison requested and received the domain name “” Subsequent to receiving the name, Colonel Harrison built a Website called “Video Toy” with themes of “Video Toy, Video Toys, And Video Toy Games Galore.” For some who knew him, he became known as the Video Toy Guy. That web site has since been deleted but remnants of the previous website still exist on the internet. The current website is a re-establishment of the site on the net with some new innovations and focuses.   


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Comments (2)
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Move over Tik Tok, Videotoy moving in.

Sep 2, 2024 Like it
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Toys dancing in the street

Aug 30, 2024 Like it
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