Posted by Bill Harrison
Aug 18, 2024

First, let’s distinguish natural hydrogen from hydrogen. Natural hydrogen is hydrogen created in the underground by the interaction of water and rocky iron-rich minerals; it exists as fields of pure hydrogen that can be used without further processing. Hydrogen itself is a generic term used for the element hydrogen (H) and it incorporates all forms of the element including natural hydrogen.


Natural hydrogen, commonly known as native, geologic, white or golden hydrogen is found in a range of geographical locations including oceans, rocky earth crust and volcanic locations worldwide. Scientists believe it is abundant all over Planet Earth.


Natural Hydrogen Problems:

1) Finding it: Natural hydrogen is found in a range of geographical locations in layers of the continental crust, deep in the oceanic crust, in volcanic gases, in geysers or in hydrothermal systems. It appears to be present in a wide range of rock formations and geological regions; Discovering it’s specific locations is a real challenge. Most discoveries (France, Africa) have been by chance.

2) Controlling it: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in outer space. If allowed to exist in gaseous form on the earth surface, it will quickly escape into the outer environment. Therefore, hydrogen gas must be tightly controlled to be useful as an earth energy source.

3) It’s explosive: Hydrogen can cause fires and explosions if not handled properly. It may explode if heated and may form explosive mixtures with air and oxygen.

4) Hydrogen as an energy source:  It can be used as a power source for cars, household systems and portable power devices. In general, electricity is produced when hydrogen atoms and oxygen atoms are collided, resulting in electricity and water as a byproduct.

5) Hydrogen cost: Producing hydrogen for renewable electricity from green hydrogen sources (Electrolysis) is very expensive. However, if large reservoirs of underground hydrogen (natural hydrogen or geologic hydrogen) is found, the cost of hydrogen and subsequent electricity will be significantly reduced.


Elon Musk to Produce Hydrogen Car by 2026: The first hydrogen-powered car, Model H, is expected to debut in 2026 according to Elon Musk. Musk, via his Tesla Company, is planning to develop a hydrogen-powered vehicle that would ultimately replace lithium powered vehicles currently produced by Tesla. Tesla's new hydrogen project aims to use hydrogen fuel cells to generate electricity.


OK, you found natural hydrogen (or geologic hydrogen). Now, how do you get it out of the earth? While deep probing drilling techniques similar to that employed for oil discoveries works for capturing hydrogen but unlike that of oil, it doesn’t work for processing it. Because of its light weight and explosiveness, natural hydrogen requires special technologies for capturing and storing it.


Now, how do you find the stuff; what do you look for? Is it surface seepage of hydrogen or is it certain earth characteristics that suggest the presence of hydrogen. Or, is it drill baby drill? Some accidental discoveries provide limited clues of where the underground stuff might be. Scientists believe it is abundant all over the world but systematically unravelling its whereabouts remain a real challenge.




Natural Hydrogen - Wikipedia

Wikipedia › wiki › Natural_hydrogen


Tesla Announces Hydrogen Car by 2026

System Driving School › tesla-hydrogen


Hydrogen Resources | Department of Energy › eere › fuelcells › hydrogen-res...

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Comments (6)
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Currently, China produces more hydrogen than any other country. This hydrogen is man-made, not natural hydrogen discovered in the deep crust of earth's underground.

Sep 3, 2024 Like it
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Natural Gas is not the same as Natural Hydrogen although they're both formed deep beneath Earth's surface. Natural gas sometimes referred to as methane (CH4) has a different makeup from natural hydrogen (H2).

Aug 19, 2024 Like it
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Paradise Valley near Phoenix, AZ did not discover natural hydrogen but is the wealthiest town in Arizona where billionaires reside.

Aug 19, 2024 Like it
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Limited and/or accidental discoveries of Natural Hydrogen (Geologic Hydrogen) have been found in such areas as France, Mali, Russia, US, Tanzania and Albania.

Aug 19, 2024 Like it
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

75% of the universe is hydrogen

Aug 19, 2024 Like it
Bill Harrison

Colonel's Choice

Great for the environment, no pollution, happy days would be here again!

Aug 18, 2024 Like it
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