Any underground water on MARS exposed to its surface would quickly evaporate. You see, MARS environment is such that its extremely low air pressure allows any surface moisture to evaporate. Unlike earth, MARS doesn't have a strong magnetic field and its environmental layer is very thin, both conditions result in any historic water on MARS surface being lost in space via the evaporative process.
If underground water exists (probably in the form of ice), capturing it and using it will be a real challenge. Not only would there be a requirement to prevent its evaporation but to ensure it can be handle because some believe it may be radioactive.
Comments (3)
Bill Harrison
Colonel's Choice
Want to lose weight? Go to Mars. A 300 pound man on Earth would weigh about 100 pounds on Mars.
Bill Harrison
Colonel's Choice
Seeing water on MARS is a mirage.
Bill Harrison
Colonel's Choice
Any H2O found will most likely be in the form of ICE.