Prepare Yourself against Coronavirus with Partha Banerjee

Posted by Partha Banerjee
Mar 12, 2020

These days the threat of Coronavirus COVID-19 is spreading all around. Every passing day a new case and stories are heard from around the globe. It is the fact that much is being learned, and still many things are not known. The health ministries and doctors are sharing information and guidelines to restrict the virus from spreading on a big level. Considering these emergencies Partha Banerjee Dubai, health care and renal care expert in Dubai is coming up with a set of factual information for everyone, especially Kidney patients. 


He says that it's good to remember that each of us can take small steps to keep individuals and our societies, safe. Here, is a list of major recommendations from Partha Banerjee Mumbai


  • Wash your hands regularly with medicated soaps, alcohol-based hand wash, or sanitizers, for at least 20 seconds.  
  • Don't handshake with friends and colleagues, instead, use a head nod or air fist bump. 
  • Restrict touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Stay at home if you are feeling low, having a cold, fever, sore throat, headache, body pain, flu or any of the flu-like symptoms. 
  • Maintain a distance of 1 meter from anyone who is coughing or sneezing. 
  • Keep tissues handy and cover your mouth while you are sneezing or coughing. Throw the used tissues and napkins in the bin without any delay. 
  • Clean and sanitize objects, handles, doorknobs, at your home, workspace, etc. 
  • Use proper masks if the doctor has asked you to. 
  • While traveling in the metro, buses, trains, and other public transports stay alert and careful.  
  • Postpone your travels to China, Italy, Japan, and Iran. 
  • Don't take any medications of your own. 


Partha Banerjee Dubai, advises people to be prepared and not to panic for the Coronavirus. The early symptoms are similar to flu such as fever, cough, and shortness of breath. As of now, senior citizens and the ones with pre-existing conditions like heart disease, diabetes, respiratory diseases are at higher risk. Do seek help if you are having hard time breathing, having a fever and a cough. 


Further, he says that hygiene, cleanliness, and forethoughts can keep you and your community safe and healthy from the Coronavirus. The world is undergoing a medical emergency like situation as this disease is spreading by coming in contact with the infected people. It demands to act smartly in an organized way. 

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