Partha Banerjee Dubai - Does Smoking Affect Kidney Health and Bring Risk to Life?

Posted by Partha Banerjee
Jun 26, 2020

Does smoking affect kidney health and bring risk to life? Yes, it doesSmoking of hookah, cigarettes, E-Vape, and in-take of various drugs is common in every part of the world. The number of smokers has increased in the past years despite the numerous deterrent measures that have been taken to help the smokers. Partha Banerjee Dubai being a health adviser states that the unhealthy habits like alcohol, smoking, fatty foods, soft drinks, etc. are causing big issues in the lifestyle. People are getting addicted to unhealthy things and bringing their life at risk.


The experts say that uncontrolled high blood pressure is a leading cause of various diseases. It adversely affects the impact of medicines used to treat high blood pressure and other diseases. The process of in-taking of tobacco slows the blood flow to important organs like the kidneys and makes the disease worst. It is a fact that smoking increases the risk of coronary heart illness and also causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Smoking can create acute and chronic effects on the organs and even hit the physical strength of the body. 


Smoking increases sympathetic nervous system activity increasing heartbeat and high blood pressure. People smoke more when they feel stressed which causes an increase in hormones made by adrenal glands over the kidney activity in the blood circulation. It even causes the narrowing of the sympathetic nervous system in the vascular system. This reduces the filtration of urine rate by 15% and the filtration fraction by 18%. There is evidence that renal plasma flow decreases in chronic smokers and this is accompanied by modest elevation of heart, lungs, kidneys, and brain. The effect of cigarette smoking on diabetic kidneys has been documented in various researches.


Smoking also increases the risk of abnormal digestion of liquids in smokers. It also causes rapid progression of the liquid with the blood which causes rapid loss of filtration rate of liquid waste. This leads to a speedy progression of diabetic nephropathy. Beside diabetic disease, cigarette smoking has been implicated in non-diabetic kidney diseases. Partha Banerjee Mumbai says that the progression of non-diabetic chronic kidney diseases is due to cigarette smoking. It is deleterious after kidney transplantation.


He says that your lungs can be badly affected by smoking. It may cause cough, cold, wheezing, and asthma. It can cause fatal diseases like pneumonia, emphysema, and lung cancer. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking affects both kidney donors and recipients as well. Partha Banerjee Dubai appeals to everyone to quit smoking and escape from cancer and other chronic diseases as early as possible. 

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