People with Ideas over Money

Posted by Mike G.
Apr 10, 2016

Ideas Over Money!

Now I feel like this when struggling people get can pass $5 to one another all you
want but if you end up with less than $.30 an hour
for your effort then...what for?

I don't care how you do it whether it is for against or
with me but sharing real ideas is the key to making it

I can talk about real money strategies for 300 days
straight with anyone in public. Funny thing is finding
people that can talk about something real for 30
minutes without them changing the subject. There
is a serious problem I’m not saying that
one has to be obsessed as I am but know the basics of
your craft at least.

If talking to a mechanic and the second thing he asks
me is where's the hood then is this a battery....I'm
not letting him touch anything.

The Guru Obsession

Following gurus that sell a fraction of an idea at a
time will get you there at some point but it will be
very expensive and time consuming. If you have the
money and like being someone's groupie then knock
yourself out.

I found this out many years ago that the movie star
can fade at any point but the owners of the studio
creates wealth for their families for generations. No
critics following them in their personal life or
groupies harassment, just an endless flow of money.

The movie star is almost expected to be in and out
of rehab and if a movie stinks they take the blame.
The owners of the studio just glides through...

Sharing Ideas with your Peers

Anyhow, 10 people who learn through taking action
and sharing them is better than 100 people who
pass around $5 in a lifeless circle until the creators
of the program siphon off your money.

No one can stop hard workers who learn and
share daily but everyone enjoys the one who only
want to shortcut their way through life. At least
my PayPal account is happy with them.

In the end, the same amount of effort is given but
one is setting their grandkids up for life and the
other is bitter about life’s handy work (you reap what
you sow).

2 people or more (the more the better) can build a
website as a real business platform rather than it is doing
things that Google penalizes like dressed up
pyramids pretending it’s legit.

Blackhat, Whitehat it's what's Under the Hat
that Counts

Yes, I do blackhat things to make money but it is a
very small part of what I do now. I can make 10
times the money in the short run doing blackhat crap
than whitehat but it dies quickly and no major site or
business wants any part of it (this use to be a
1,000’s better than white but now I’m much better at

My whitehat stuff, like working hard building up
websites that companies want to put ads on has a
lifelong value. Google and Bing love it and the fact
that I took a site that may have cost me less than
$10 a month that brings in thousands a month is

All because I took the time to find people who was
tired of not making it. We got together on a “doing
things” platform to see what work hands on...what
length articles worked the best...we all read up on it
first then tested various lengths.....what pics worked
the to structure a to
effectively build to and why misdirect
any competitors by using useless websites (getting
them on my dummy sites and logging their
IP’s...blocking them from my money sites).

You are learning how to build a fortune 100,000
company that hopefully leads to a fortune 500 (my
goal)! Why not take the time out to do things right?
Think of all the time you wasted on “passing the
buck!” YOUR BUCK!

Get away from people who are friendly but don’t
believe in your dreams just a crutch that creates a
stagnancy to your momentum.

You should make and keep friends just don’t let them guide you off a
cliff. Go off a cliff on your own going after your goals then
get up learn and reach even harder than before.

Depend on doing!

Mike G.
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Comments (15)
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari,

Yesterday, someone I know spoke to a few people in my area from Nigeria....

OK, sounds great. The thing I was concerned with is how you will get paid but now you are speaking about things that I have always been interested in is helping the poor in all of Africa.

Yes I would put a detailed description of what you want to do and how you plan on doing it. Speak as if you are speaking to a good friend but don't jump off topic. Most people are concerned that there money is go

Apr 13, 2016 1 Like Like it
Abdou Sani Boukari


Thank you, Mike. I want to start with "The way to prevent food lost" for the benefit of riches (by preventing them or their children to becoming obese) and for the benefit of the poorest (by allowing a redistribution of the supplement of food to the poorest). Your idea to put all this in PDF is good. Having a website dedicated for the promotion of my ideas and products for sell is another amazing idea. But, how much all this will cost ?

Apr 12, 2016 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


OK, sorry about the long pause have a lot of things come up....yeah, I figured the Paypal would be a problem but nonetheless where do you want to start?

Most of the stuff I mentioned earlier is very basic but it needs to be done by you in order to train others to do it for you later and develop skills. I don't know what your personal goals are but you want to eventually buy ads and the only way to keep your expenses down is to be seen as a useful source to your audience.

The more Google, Bing

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Abdou Sani Boukari


It is exactly 2 H: 55 Min PM

Apr 11, 2016 1 Like Like it
Abdou Sani Boukari


I have a paypal account. The heck is that I can make payment via paypal, but I can't receive money in my account. I am living in nNiger, a country not eligible for paypal. That is why I am not counting on paypal for my online business.

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Mike G.


I forget what time it is there but I will be in and out so anything you want to talk about let me know...thanks.

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari,

I'm sorry to scare you didn't mean to do that! I haven't dug into it deep enough for that but there is some reason I didn't like it personally before is just something I did a very quick analysis of at recently......I'm in the US so anything that I do comes under scrutiny so I stay away from things that Google won't touch.

If it is working for you then keep rolling with it. If you have been paid on time roll with it.....if the people you sign up has been paid th

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Abdou Sani Boukari


All the infos you make me discover about SFI are frightening me. I wnat to get it it clear : is SFI in which I am involved, a risky business? For the remaining details you give, please let me understand step by step. It is that kind of technical and technological windings that most uninitiated avoid, and that is why they engage in easy ways, like working with companies like SFI. That is my case. I want to discover the real way of making some money online.

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari,

I'm going to pick something from Clickbank and how I would promote something like Apsense but I think I may put the bulk of it in an article so it's easy for all to follow. I will just wait on your response before I begin case you want to keep things here.

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari,

What payment can you take? If you can take Paypal then we can really get into all that I do but if not there maybe some workarounds....just let me know.

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari,

Now SFI isn't something that I would bother promoting just for the fact that they didn't clear things with Google but it may be working out for you fabulously. If so I would research solid useful information for people then stick the SFI link in it. Pdf's like I said, articles, a few videos and audios about the company.

At least 200 articles of 600 words or more, 75+ pdf's, 2-5 videos if possible and at least 10 audios. Once that is done I would start a team of people to w

Apr 11, 2016 Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari,

Although I did mention about building your own pdf (which is highly recommended) it may seem that I'm spinning nothing useful again so I will dive right into what I would do. Keep in my each promotion may have a starting point.

Working with your product SFI...there are going to be some things you may not like and these are mostly the free steps I would take but to jump start things buying FB and Bing ads would be ideal.

I need to move this to an article so that I can put

Apr 11, 2016 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari, `OK, got a rough idea of what you have going on but please tell me if you want to talk about something else. First, I have focused on US market primarily over the last few years so you will need to help me out if things fit in your area.

You have a beautiful writing voice. It is a skill that few have even I haven't reached that level of ease. You need to expand the word count and force your audience to engage one way or another.

If I was you I would write a bunch of pdf's w

Apr 11, 2016 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Abdou Sani Boukari, glad to hear this type of response...why I'm critical of gurus is they are giving governments and giants like Google reasons to cut every day people out. Gurus are making things seem so easy to make thousands a day but rarely show what is really going on behind the scenes.

I'm telling people that they can make if they are willing to work hard to get there. It is funny that very few want to talk about what needs to be done but since you seem interested let's get started.

I w

Apr 11, 2016 1 Like Like it
Abdou Sani Boukari


Mike, you seem to criticize the gurus, but I notice that you are acting as a guru yourself. Why? Along article without any guidance in it; I mean without any link to go deeper. It is not the first time you are doing this kind of show-bizz. We need a serious and fanck guidance, please!

Apr 10, 2016 1 Like Like it
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