President Vladimir Putin get's First Terrorist Attack

Posted by Mike G.
Mar 3, 2016
President Vladimir Putin get's First
Terrorist Attack

In Moscow, it appears that a 38 year old nanny
beheaded a 4 year old who said she did it because
of President Vladimir Putin’s airstrikes in Syria.

As reported here by the WP

The nanny was walking around in public with the
child’s head in her hands. She didn’t appear to be
mentally sound but did string together enough words
to give a clear sign to President Putin.

Terrorists are set to attack Russia immediately as fact, there maybe even more evidence that
sleepers were using parts of Russia as hideouts,
planning to attack other countries now this...

Right as a survey was released that 78% of the
people would re-elect President Putin for another
term this horrible attack happened.

At times like this we often look past the horrible
action taken against the family involved to the
overall picture. I’m asking that you take time to put
the family in your prayers or speak out against these
horrible acts on all sides towards innocent people.

No child should never have to suffer in this world
period. Adult greed is what everything comes down
to...people who don’t want to use hard work to reach
their goals who often result to violence and thievery
to get what they want...

In the meantime a 4 year old little precious girl died
over adult foolishness!

Mike G.
Comments (3)
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

War is all Hell! .................

Mar 3, 2016 1 Like Like it
Mike G.


Panda, yes it is not to mention how many sleepers that are all around their now.....I guess he thought that they would never cross him like that...feel bad for that little girl and the family...

Mar 3, 2016 Like it
Steven A. Donaldson

Native speaking English teacher

horrible stuff! ;--(

Mar 3, 2016 Like it
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