Creating an eZine step by step Part 2

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
Mar 21, 2012
So you have finally decided on a theme for your eZine, now it's time to consider whether or not you want your eZine to be public or private.  When considering this there are some things to keep in mind:

Who is really going to be interested in your eZine?
If you are creating an eZine targeted toward a specific program or opportunity, let's be honest; it is not going to appeal to the general public.  They are going to view it as nothing more than another advertisement.  You would be better off having that eZine private and send invitations to those you have contacted who are interested in your program.

Do you plan to keep it specific to a certain group?
There are several eZines that are specific to a certain small group for instance a specific family.  Once again this is an eZine best kept private.

You have a theme that appeals to many people across a broad demographic.
This is an eZine that you want to make public.   eZines do get indexed in the search rankings so this is an opportunity for you to reach out to the broad demographic and gain readers.

Let me give you some examples of the eZines that I described above: 

If you created an eZine about how to make money with XYZ Company, you may as well target your readership to those involved with XYZ Company or those who have expressed an interest in XYZ Company.  No matter what the gurus tell you Joe reader is not sitting on pins and needles salivating over the thought of hearing about XYZ Company.  That's just reality.

If you are creating an eZine that is meant to announce family news (ie weddings, births, graduations etc.) it's only going to be of interest to you family and maybe some close friends.  And in all honesty what is happening in your family is the business of your family, no one else.  Again keep it private.

If you have created an eZine on say needlepoint, a lot of people are interested in needlepoint.  They are always looking for tips and pattern and maybe sharing with others who share their interest.  You want to make an eZine of this type public.  It's something that Jane and Joe Reader are looking for, it will appeal to them.

Remember that the success of an eZine comes from the readers not you.  If you don't have people reading your eZine, you are just putting out clutter.  Getting people to read your eZine depends on you giving the readers what will interest them, not pushing ads and promotional material that they don't want on them simply because it's what you promote.
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Hop Trieusung

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