Could you survive without modern conveniences?

Posted by Cheryl Baumgartner
Jan 27, 2012

There’s a lot of apocalypses in mainstream entertainment today.  If it’s not another 2012 end of the world type movie or cataclysmic disaster movie, it’s zombies (The Walking Dead, 28 Days Later) or aliens (Falling Skies).

The thing that this has brought home to me is that we might as well bend over an kiss our collective rear ends goodbye if we ever experience such an event.  We’re goners.  The problem is that we have all but lost the basic survival skills needed to survive without the modern technology we have become so dependent on.

There is one fact we need to face and accept, mankind is ill-equipped to survive without technology.  The only reason we are at the top of the ‘food chain’ is because we can harness and manipulate technology.  In the wild without technology we are a prey animal.  We don’t have the strength of an ape, the speed of a cheetah or the wings of an eagle.  We don’t have claws or horns that we can use for defense against predators.  We are weak. 

We do have intelligence in our favor but we have ignored the knowledge of the primitive world fully embracing the modern one.  We only learn what we need to deal with our modern technology.  When that technology is destroyed or lost we will be up the creek without the proverbial paddle.

Read the complete post here.

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Comments (6)
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

You'd be surprised Jean. If you cab shoot you can kill a hog. If it's feral, that's the best way stay a nice safe distance and take a shot. Wild hogs are dangerous, you don't want to tangle with out!

Feb 1, 2012 Like it
Jean DAndrea


@Cheryl Maybe I'd be better than I think - I can shoot, and know some edible bush plants, being brought up in the country like you. Don't think I could kill the hog though!

Jan 31, 2012 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

@Jean I guess I'm lucky to have grown up in the country. I'm the first to admit I have a brown thumb but I can fish, find a few edibles in the woods and I know which end of a gun is the business end and how to fire one. I also had a cousin who raised hogs so I can kill and butcher that bad boy and I also realize that a lot more of that hog is edible than just bacon and ham.

Jan 28, 2012 Like it
Cheryl Baumgartner

Medical Billing/Coding/Insurance

@Johnny you would be surprised just how quickly neighbors meet after a disaster. I've been through a few hurricanes and it is funny how people who live next door to each other and never do more than wave at each other would pull together during the aftermath. Suddenly you're talking to each other, sharing what you have and working side by side. But then again in that instance everyone understands that the situation is temporary.

Jan 28, 2012 Like it
Johnny Schofield

Common Sense Found Here.

Great article Cheryl, Another thing to note is the fact that many have lost contact with their neighbors and exchanged it for long distance online relationships. There is nothing wrong with expanding your circles but it is just as important to be in the position to help those close by when calamity strikes.

Jan 28, 2012 Like it
Jean DAndrea


Hi Cheryl,
Couldn't agree with your more! Although I'd like to think I could make it out there, somehow, I think I'm a bit old to survive as a farmer, killing my own food. Growing a few veggies and some fruit in my backyard is about as much as I do for survival.
Was once completely stunned by someone who didn't recognise a potato plant - they had lived in a big city all their life. I'd forgotten some people just wouldn't know how to know edible plants from inedible ones.

Good arti

Jan 28, 2012 Like it
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