When you try to access your Bigpond email but notice you can’t
receive new emails, there are various factors that may be responsible. Start
with your internet connection first because when the connection is weak, you
may not be able to receive emails. After that, check if the inbox is full, as a
full inbox will prevent new incoming emails. In this case, emptying the inbox
by deleting useless emails or even clearing the spam folder completely can help
with storage issues.
Receiving too many bouncing emails? Now you may wonder why this happens and what might be the problem. One of the most common factors could be your email settings, which are not configured correctly. Go to the Telstra webmail portal and log in to your Bigpond account. Check whether there are any settings that might have been applied to the email inbox and whether emails are instead being sent to the junk or spam folder. Additionally, check whether the email address of the person sending you an email is blocked in your account settings. If the problem continues and other options have not worked, it may be due to server response issues from Telstra. If the issue is about Telstra service interruptions, you can go to the Telstra services status page or contact the Bigpond Customer Care Number for assistance or to know the current status of the problem. Upgrading the email account settings from time to time and also ensuring the email account is not over quota are some measures that can be put in place to avoid disruption in email delivery.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-care-melbourne/