Why is Email Not Sending and saying Error?

sending an email fails and an error code appears, the first thing you should do
is determine what the error message indicates. Typical problems include
incorrect software environment settings, failure of the email system or server,
and instances of poor communication.
check your internet connection as a weak one could act as a barrier in email
sending. Next, check if you have configured the SMTP mail server settings for
outgoing mails correctly, including:
Server: mail.bigpond.com.
465 (for SSL connection) or 587 (for TLS connection).
Yes, requires your BigPond email and password.
settings are correct and the issue persists, the problem may be that either the
email being sent or the size of the attachments is too large, or there are
incorrect addresses causing messages to bounce back.
reason could be sending problems due to server obstructions or server
maintenance on BigPond. Check for any BigPond notifications regarding service
none of these tips solve the problem, it would be wise to document how and
where the error occurs and report detailed error information to BigPond
customer support.
Still struggling with email sending errors? Send the exact error message to BigPond Customer Care Number for further assistance.
More Info: https://www.bigpondonlineservice.com/blog/bigpond-customer-support-australia/