Introduction of angular js

Sep 20, 2024

AngularJS is the framework which provides basic structure for the web applications development interacting with dynamic web applications. It allows developers to employ HTML also as a template language and extend the syntax of HTML with the goal to define components of the applications in a more elaborate and concise manner. this means you can write your software logic in JavaScript however, you employ HTML to define the view. In this article we will provide an introduction to angular js, its key features, its advantages and disadvantages

Key features

Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture: While integrating the utility, AngularJS makes an easy separation of issues in terms of three related Components which includes; Model (records), View (UI), and Controller (logic).

Data Binding: Data synchronization occurs through AngularJS that automatically fetch records between the model and the view. Changes made to the model can directly be seen in the view and changes made to the view affects the model.

Dependency Injection: AngularJS is involved in creation of objects as well as managing dependencies which makes the code easier to test and more manageable.

Directives: can be either CHTML attributes that are new attributes defined in cHTML or cHTML elements, which are new elements in cHTML’s syntactical framework.

Templating: Used for generating dynamic views with HTM Template.

Routing: Navigates between particular views used in single page application (SPA).

RESTful API support: it has the capability to work effortlessly with RESTful APIs.

How it Works

HTML structure: define the structure of your software and the possibility of utilizing HTML and such aspects as the AngularJS directives.

JavaScript logic: Use the following script for the handling of application logic along with creation of controllers and models.

Data Binding: AngularJS ensures that facts are synchronized between the model and view at anyone’s instance.

Dependency Injection: AngularJS manages dependency and injects it into the additives.

Directives: expand HTML’s toolkit with custom elements and attributes.

Routing: Concerns moving around between the different views of the same data.


Increased development speed: statistical binding and dependency injection are widely used and cannot be overemphasized in that they significantly help to cut down on development time greatly.

improved Code Testability: Testing is facilitated better by the MVC architecture and the dependency injection.

enhanced user Experience: From the details provided they deliver efficient and clean consumer experience.

large and active Community: ideas and assistance to be had on steroids.

Cross-browser Compatibility: move-browser issues are dealt with by AngularJS.


Steeper learning Curve: Comparing to all of the aforementioned frameworks, it can be stated that the mastering curve for AngularJS will be rather sharp.

performance Overhead: Possibility to introduce general performance overhead for complex programs.

Digestive Complexity: The AngularJS’s digest cycle may sound complex to comprehend.

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