In an ideal world.......
I finally gave up teaching in November 2006. It seemed that the world was my oyster. The internet world that is.
Never before had I come across so many opportunities, so many people offering to help etc etc. My naivety got the better of me and I fell hook line and sinker for all the scams going. The promises of help disappeared before my eyes as soon as I paid my money and the money back guarantees were nothing but a figment of my imagination. How could I be so gullible?? But - not content with once or twice, I fell for the scams and the con artists time after time.
But as they say, alls well that ends well. 12 months down the line I am much wiser and far more knowledgeable and I have, amongst the bad experiences, had my fair share of good experiences too. I have met many very genuine people who, when they say they want to help, really mean it.
One of the best moves I made back in June/July was to join Uvme under my sponsor Robert Phillips. Robert has to be one of the most genuine people you could hope to meet. He has stuck with me through the good times and the bad and is always there to help when I need him.
Uvme is an amazing opportunity due to be launched early in the new year. It combines social networking with online skilled games and has the most awesome payplan I have ever seen. I have trialled the games and have to say they are addictive.
The combination of the uvme games and payplan PLUS being a member of Robert's team has to be the best recipe for success imaginable.
If you haven't already joined, do yourself a favor and make an early New Years Resolution to click on this link to sign up for free and be part of a most amazing team which not only has Robert at its helm but also Jill Close and Neil Verlander, two of the companies most successful people. Signing up now will give you First Mover Advantage and the opportunity to build a team before the launch on January 21st.
If you want to find out more before signing up then you can attend one of our many training sessions. Just contact me here at Apsense or on skype for further details.
This is without a doubt THE team to join.
skype id lindajanetmatthews
Never before had I come across so many opportunities, so many people offering to help etc etc. My naivety got the better of me and I fell hook line and sinker for all the scams going. The promises of help disappeared before my eyes as soon as I paid my money and the money back guarantees were nothing but a figment of my imagination. How could I be so gullible?? But - not content with once or twice, I fell for the scams and the con artists time after time.
But as they say, alls well that ends well. 12 months down the line I am much wiser and far more knowledgeable and I have, amongst the bad experiences, had my fair share of good experiences too. I have met many very genuine people who, when they say they want to help, really mean it.
One of the best moves I made back in June/July was to join Uvme under my sponsor Robert Phillips. Robert has to be one of the most genuine people you could hope to meet. He has stuck with me through the good times and the bad and is always there to help when I need him.
Uvme is an amazing opportunity due to be launched early in the new year. It combines social networking with online skilled games and has the most awesome payplan I have ever seen. I have trialled the games and have to say they are addictive.
The combination of the uvme games and payplan PLUS being a member of Robert's team has to be the best recipe for success imaginable.
If you haven't already joined, do yourself a favor and make an early New Years Resolution to click on this link to sign up for free and be part of a most amazing team which not only has Robert at its helm but also Jill Close and Neil Verlander, two of the companies most successful people. Signing up now will give you First Mover Advantage and the opportunity to build a team before the launch on January 21st.
If you want to find out more before signing up then you can attend one of our many training sessions. Just contact me here at Apsense or on skype for further details.
This is without a doubt THE team to join.
skype id lindajanetmatthews
Comments (2)
Janet Matthews
Health and Nutrition Writer
Hi Joseph
I hope you do take another look at uvme. Try to find out who your sponsor is and who is in your upline. There are some very well established people in the company who may have some good training sessions going for their team.
Good luck - let me know how you get on
Joseph Botelho
Working on one project at a time.
Hi Janet,
As l read your story it reminded me a lot about myself...........made me really think about the net all of the scams that have been disclosed and some of us found out the hard way.....
I am also a member of Uvme, but other then joining it l have never done anything with be honest with you l have no idea who sponsered me. But reading what you have said makes me want to ake another look at this Network...........thank you for sharing your story, glad l read it....