Online Interactive Homework Help........ and thats just for starters

Posted by Janet Matthews
Apr 11, 2008

has become primary focus for many people, either for themselves as adult learners or for their children, as the pressure mounts for improved standards  in our respective school systems.

As a retired teacher myself, education has always been something I have taken a great interest in, either with regret for the way education is developing within our schools and colleges or with delight at the ever increasing opportunities for all of us to learn all manner of things either through local colleges, distance learning courses and more recently through online courses. As an eternal student myself I have taken advantage of all of these modes of adult continuing education and I am sure many others have done the same.

Parents who choose to educate their children at home have my deepest respect as I believe they have chosen the road less traveled and have recognized that raising standards is not always the best policy as it fails to address the the more wholesome aspects of education which teaches children about how to think for themselves, how to play and how to enjoy the creative side of education. However the task they undertake is a daunting one and I feel they need all the support they can get.

Over the last 12 months I have been searching for an opportunity online that appealed to my altruistic nature. Two weeks ago I stumbled upon what I can only describe as the business opportunity of the 21 st century.

The company have called their business Magnum IQ or MiQ for short. MiQ offers interactive online education for all ages. You can either enjoy interactive online lessons or access one on one tutoring and individual homework help. This is the most innovative opportunity I have come across on the internet. Not only does it offer online tutoring but it also offers a viable business opportunity with an amazing pay plan.

“Webucation” is being hailed as the next big trend online.

The parent company has an excellent track record over the last 5 years and has no debt. Their experience in internet marketing is second to none. They are determined to be the best online education resource and have the expertise to take them all the way.

Please watch this online presentation and get back to me if you are interested in more information

You can also read our blog for up to date news during this prelaunch period

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Comments (8)
Janet Matthews

Health and Nutrition Writer

Hi Sarah - yes there is a lot of truth in your comment "once a teacher always a teacher" and I also agree that we should also be learners.

Magnum IQ, as well as offering the more mainstream type of education will also be offering the wider education you mention. The personal development, the creative side of learning and the opportunity to just learn for fun.

Dee and I are working this business together and as distributors for MiQ we will have access to all the online learning 24/7, and we wi

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Janet Matthews

Health and Nutrition Writer

Georgios - how nice to see you here. Your comments are very interesting. I couldn't agree more - exam results can be totally meaningless regarding a measure of a persons level of education and many people leave school feeling it was a bad experience. Most of us who pursue continuing education, learn far more once we have left school. That is why Magnum IQ is such an amazing opportunity for everyone. Continuing education will be available 24/7 in your own living room.

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Janet Matthews

Health and Nutrition Writer

Hi Clarence - thank you for your comments. I hope you will continue to follow the progress of MiQ.

Thanks for your support

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Sarah Pritchard

CEO, Angel Cuddle Publishing

Hello Janet,

Very interesting article. You know what they say; once a teacher, always a teacher. We are also always a learner. Well, we should be.

I am a teacher and a learner. I don't think we ever stop learning.

I was a teacher in English secondary schools. I found myself in a difficult situation because I was trying to help the students obtain their bits of paper, their qualifications, when inside me, I felt that that was not really what education was about.

As Georgios said, the life e

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Georgios Paraskevopo...

Consultant/Translator EN-GR-SW

Hello Janet!

Thank you Dee for the invitation. This is a very well written article and the information is very good.
In a community I was asked of the level of my education. Question is not how "well educated" a person is but how much of this educations fits in to the person or if the knowledge you get from school is related to daily life routines.

For more than 25 years I worked as a consultant in labour/adult/distance education. As Dee says knowlegde is a non stopping process and it stops w

Apr 12, 2008 Like it
Janet Matthews

Health and Nutrition Writer

Hi Dee - You have made a very important point re children asking their parents for help with homework. This is an increasing problem in our modern age and parents are doing their best but don't always give the appropriate help that the child needs. To have access to a teacher who can help with homework 24/7 is going to be a very appealing prospect for many students - not to mention their parents!!!

Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg as their will be a whole range of subjects availab

Apr 11, 2008 Like it
Clarence Coggins

Get Leads 4 Life

With Web Video Streaming home schooling will really get a big boost. The reality is that our society and world is moving rapidly towards decentralization of certain kinds of industry. I continue to look on with at all the changes and possibilities. Thank you for the excellent article.

Apr 11, 2008 Like it
Dee Hudson

Validated Veretekk Trainer

Hi Janet.

You have raised very good points with this article, I believe that everyone should continue their education throughout their lives. MIQ gives us all a chance to do that.

The opportunities that MIQ offer everyone is essential, and therefore priceless. I was amazed at the value of service and the benefits, not just for myself but for my whole family.

I constantly get asked for help from my son about different aspects of his homework. I cant always help him. With MIQ I now have the

Apr 11, 2008 Like it
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