Foreigners Prefer India for Kidney Transplant Surgery

Posted by Cmcshealth Com
Oct 30, 2024

Kidney diseases are increasing globally. Once the kidneys fail to function properly, the patients will have severe health complaints. Failed kidneys if not treated in time can be fatal. The two treatments available for failed kidneys are either hemodialysis or kidney transplant surgery. Hemodialysis is the filtering of toxins out of the human body with dialysis machines. Failed kidneys also do not produce erythropoietin so kidney failure patients will have critically low levels of hemoglobin and will need external erythropoietin supplementation. Failed Kidneys also can not maintain an equilibrium between the electrolytes, so electrolyte supplementation or controlling excess may also be needed. Kidney failure patients will also have to depend on anti-hypertensive medication to control their blood pressure. The other more viable option for kidney failure patients is a kidney transplant surgery. It improves the quality of life for kidney failure patients. A lot of foreign patients from countries like Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Ghana, and many other African countries, ASIAN countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan, and Myanmar, Middle Eastern countries like Iraq, Saudi Arab, Oman also prefer India as a first choice for a Kidney Transplant surgery.

Kidney functions in a nutshell

The two kidneys are vital organs for the proper functioning of the human body. Kidneys filter the toxins produced by normal metabolism. They maintain the equilibrium between the electrolytes and also control fluid retention. Kidneys also help balance blood pressure. Healthy adult kidneys also produce erythropoietin which is required for the maturation of red blood cells and maintaining the hemoglobin levels.

The Major factors responsible for kidney failure

The major reasons for kidney failure in human beings are:

·        Uncontrolled and prolonged diabetes

·        Uncontrolled High blood pressure (hypertension) for a long time

·        Glomerulonephritis damages the filtering capabilities of the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis could take place because of some untreated kidney infections or could be hereditary

·        Autoimmune disorders that destroy kidney functions like Systemic Lupus erythematosus

·        Polycystic Kidney disease

·        Misuse of over-the-counter Pain Medicines 

What is Kidney Transplant Surgery?

Kidney Transplant surgery is a life-saving surgery performed by specially trained, highly skilled urology surgeons to put a new functional kidney in a kidney failure patient. This functional Kidney is obtained either from a deceased donor (a cadaver) or a living kidney donor (an HLA-matching blood-related family member). The newly grafted kidney starts functioning in the kidney failure patient and gives him/her a new lease of life.

Why a Kidney Transplant surgery is better than Hemodialysis?

A kidney transplant surgery is better than hemodialysis for younger kidney failure patients who have an HLA-matching kidney donor and are fit to undergo kidney transplant surgery.

·        A better quality of life and a better productivity

·        Better time management as kidney failure patients do not require bi-weekly hemodialysis

·        Cost saving, a kidney failure patient who is young will require bi-weekly hemodialysis throughout his/her life and will also require supplantation medications

·        Kidney failure patients who have undergone a kidney transplant surgery are found to live longer than kidney failure patients on hemodialysis

·        Kidney failure patients who have undergone a kidney transplant surgery live a perfectly normal life

Why Foreigners prefer India for a Kidney Transplant surgery
Foreign patients prefer India for Kidney transplant surgery. The following factors tilt the balance in favor of India for foreigners seeking kidney transplant surgery in India.

·        The exceptionally successful kidney transplant programs in Indian Hospitals

·        The reasonable cost of kidney transplant surgery in India

·        The experience and competency of Indian Kidney Transplant doctors

·        The State-of-art-infrastructure and availability of the latest cutting-edge technology in Indian Kidney Transplant Hospitals

·        No waiting period, if the patient is found fit and with a suitable kidney donor, after approval of the organ transplant committee, surgery can be done promptly

·        The low logistics cost. A foreign patient looking for a kidney transplant in India has to live in India for at least 8 to 10 weeks. Availability of flexible rental apartments and budget hotels as per the needs and budget of the patient and their medical attendants, in the vicinity of the treating Hospital

·        Easy and hassle-free medical visa and immigration norms

·        Secure and stable political and social environment

·        English being the common communication language and the availability of bilingual language interpreters for bridging the communication gap

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