Knee Replacement Surgery in India

Posted by Cmcshealth Com
Oct 24, 2024

Knee replacement is one of the most common orthopedic surgeries performed by specially trained orthopedic surgeons. Knee replacement is advised for patients with persistent knee joint pain that hampers their movement and activities. These patients find it difficult to move even a short distance. Claiming the stairs become a cumbersome task for them and getting up from a sitting position is a big ordeal.

Why a person will need a knee replacement?

A knee replacement procedure is a specialized orthopedic surgery performed by a specially trained and experienced orthopedic surgeon to relieve pain and restore mobility in patients with knee issues. The major reasons an orthopedic surgeon recommends a knee placement surgery are:

Excruciating knee pain

Patients with damaged knees have persistent severe pain in their knees. The pain increases when the person is walking or climbing stairs. Sometimes the pain persists even when the patient is sitting comfortably in his drawing room or lying down on the bed. The pain is so severe that patients may lose their night’s sleep and start living a grossly restricted life.

Restricted mobility

Knee issues may cause a disability even in performing daily core activities. Because of the stiffness in the knee joint and pain in movement, the affected person is forced to live a life with restricted mobility. Patients with knee problems are forced to live a crippled life even though they are completely healthy otherwise.

Diminished social life

Patients with knee problems have a severely affected social life. It makes several patients undergo bouts of depression and a downfall in their overall health.

When conservative treatments fail to bring relief

When a person is not getting any relief from pain medications and physiotherapy, they may need a knee joint replacement.

Factors for Bad Knees or Knee problems

Although knee issues are associated with growing old. As a person ages, the knees like other organs may have to face the brunt of wear and tear due to the normal aging process. The other factors responsible for bad or damaged knees are:


Arthritis remains the main culprit for knee and other joint issues. Arthritis is a cluster of medical changes that cause joint pain, inflammation, swelling, and restricted mobility of the joint. It also affects the knee joints.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatism is an autoimmune disorder where our inherent defense mechanism starts affecting the body's organs adversely. Rheumatoid arthritis is swelling and inflammation in joints and causes stiffness and immobility of the joint.

An accident or trauma

An injury to the knee joint because of an accident or trauma due to motor accidents, falling, or contact sports injury could also induce arthritis or swelling, inflammation of the knee joint, and restricted movement.

Normal Aging

Normal aging process is irreversible; people with older age may have knee problems due to wear and tear in the knee joint and deterioration of the cartilage that protects the knee joint from friction.

The Diagnosis of knee issues

The problems with knees are diagnosed by physical examination for range of motion and pain in movement. Imaging tests like X-ray, MRI, CT scans, and Arthroscopy.

The knee joint replacement procedure

The knee joint replacement is a specialized orthopedic surgery performed by a specially trained and well-experienced orthopedic surgeon to replace a faulty or damaged knee with an artificial knee made of metal and medical-grade polyethylene. The procedure can be done in two ways:

Minimally Invasive Arthroplasty

Knee arthroplasty is a universally established and effective procedure that can significantly reduce pain, restore the mobility of the knee joint, and improve quality of life. It’s often performed when other treatments aren’t able to reduce joint pain.

Robotic Knee replacement

The latest cutting-edge technologies like NAV3 computer navigation and robot-assisted knee replacement are the newer intervention that provides better precision for the orthopedic surgeon and also better patient compliance, as the surgical wound is small and quicker healing and lesser pain after the knee replacement.

The different types of knee replacement procedures

Depending on the damage to the knee joint, age, and other associated factors, the orthopedic surgeon will choose the best-suited knee replacement procedure for the patient.

Total Knee Replacement (TKR)

TKR is the commonly performed knee replacement. In TKR the orthopedic surgeon completely removes the knee joint and replaces it with an artificial knee prosthesis. Total Knee replacement are ideal for elderly and arthritis patients. It may be done for one knee (Unilateral knee replacement) or Bilateral (both knee) replacement.

Partial Knee replacement or unicompartmental knee replacement

Partial knee replacement is usually done for young adults who may have damaged their knee due to a sports injury or trauma. Only the damaged portions of the knee are replaced with an artificial component in PKR or unicompartmental knee replacement.

Revision or complex Knee Replacement

Revision or complex knee replacement is done for patients who have an earlier failed knee joint replacement. It is a complex surgery that requires the removal of the failed knee joint and replacing it with a new artificial knee joint. It is a more time-consuming surgery and also costs more than the primary knee joint replacement.

Cost of Knee joint replacement in India

The cost of knee replacement in India depends on the type of surgery, and the type and make of knee prostheses. Get a low-cost but highly successful customized knee replacement in India with the best Indian orthopedic surgeon.

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