Orthopedic Surgery and Joint Surgery in India

Posted by Cmcshealth Com
Oct 4, 2024

Orthopedic surgery is a specialized medical treatment for the correction of the bony structure and musculoskeletal system of the human body. The specially trained orthopedic surgeons perform surgeries for various bone and joint-related disorders. CMCS Health is a leading medical tourism company in India that provides medical travel assistance and coordinates specialized medical treatments in India for foreign patients. The Major Orthopedic surgeries performed by Indian Orthopedic surgeons for both Indian and foreign patients are:

Bone or musculoskeletal system deformity correction Surgery

Bone and skeletal system deformities are abnormal bony structures that are either not fully formed or develop crookedness later in life. These abnormal bony structures may cause movement problems and deformity in body structure.

Congenital Musculoskeletal deformity

Congenital musculoskeletal system deformities are the malformation of bony structures during the fetal growing stage. It means the child is born with these abnormalities. The known congenital bone deformities are:


When stretching and casting (Ponseti method) do not work the orthopedic surgeon may decide to perform surgery for Clubfoot. During this orthopedic surgery, the orthopedic surgeon will lengthen or reposition tendons and ligaments to correct the deformity. An early orthopedic surgery for the clubfoot child will help the child live a normal active life later.

Knock knees

In Knock knees, the legs turn inwards and join at the knee while standing but the ankles remain separate. The severe deformity requires the orthopedic surgeon to perform the correction surgery.

Limb length discrepancy

Limb length discrepancies of arms and legs may require correction orthopedic surgery. The best specialist orthopedic surgeons perform limb length discrepancy correction surgery. It may be a multistage orthopedic surgery.

Hip Dysplasia

Hip Dysplasia is a malformation of the hip joint in the fetus. It can occur in younger adults or adults too but is less common. The orthopedic surgeon may recommend a hip osteotomy or hip arthroscopy for correction and repair of the hip joint. Severe hip dysplasia may require Hip Joint replacement surgery (Hip Arthroplasty).

Other common orthopedic surgeries

The common orthopedic surgeries performed by specially trained orthopedic surgeons are joint replacement surgeries. The damaged joint is either repaired through minimally invasive arthroscopy or replaced with an artificial joint (prostheses).

Knee replacement surgery Cost in India

The widely performed orthopedic surgery is done for repairing or replacing the knee joint. Knee replacement surgery could be Unicompartmental or partial knee replacement surgery (PKR), or Total Knee replacement surgery (TKR). It could be for one knee (Unilateral Total Knee Replacement) or both knee replacement surgery (Bilateral Total Knee Replacement). CMCS Health, the leading medical tourism company in India is associated with the most experienced and well-trained Orthopedic Surgeons for Knee Replacement of foreign patients in India. We use the best-quality original Imported knee implants for the longevity of knee replacement surgery. The common reason for Knee replacement surgery or immobility due to pain and stiffness of the knee joint. It could be because of normal wear and tear of the knee joint, arthritis, accident, or trauma-induced knee joint damage. A successful knee joint prosthesis may last 15 to 20 years or longer.

Hip Replacement Surgery Cost in India

Hip joint replacement surgery is also a commonly performed orthopedic surgery to give relief from pain due to damaged hip joints. The most common reason for Hip Replacement is arthritis-induced hip joint damage. Best-quality original implants are used for the longevity of the artificial Hip Joint. It could be both Unilateral (One hip joint) or bilateral Hip Joint replacement surgery. The average age of a successful Hip joint prosthesis could be around 15-20 years.

Shoulder Joint Replacement Surgery Cost in India

Shoulder arthroscopy or Shoulder arthroplasty is done by specially trained orthopedic surgeons for frozen shoulder, and shoulder impingement for pain relief and bring mobility to the shoulder joint. The primary reason for shoulder joint replacement is either a sports injury or trauma-induced shoulder joint damage. Arthritic joints could also be the reason for shoulder joint surgery.

Ankle arthroscopy

Ankle arthroscopy is an orthopedic surgery for pain relief and restoring mobility to the ankle joint. The primary reason could be a sports injury.

Revision or complex joint replacement surgery

Revision or complex joint replacement surgery is done to replace failed joint prostheses with a new artificial joint. Revision joint replacement surgeries are time-consuming surgeries that are costlier and more time-consuming than primary joint replacement. Revision joint replacements are also done for an infection in the bone or the artificial joint.

Latest Technology and Robotic Joint Replacement Surgery

Robotic joint replacement surgeries are routinely performed by our expert orthopedic surgeons for better patient compliance and faster recovery. Computer Navigation NAV3 the latest cutting-edge technology is being used at top orthopedic and joint replacement surgery centers for more precise and accurate orthopedic and joint replacement surgery.

Bone fracture correction surgery

Many foreign patients visit India for bone fractures that have not joined even with prior surgery. Bone fracture correction surgery may be done with both an internal fixator and as a multi-stage surgery with external fixators.

Tendon or ligament repair orthopedic surgery

The commonly performed tendon and ligament repair orthopedic surgeries are Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) tear repair surgery or Meniscal Tear repair surgery.

Osteosarcoma surgery

Osteosarcoma or bone cancer is aimed at savaging the limb with the removal of the bone cancer. It may be followed by chemotherapy or radiation therapy. In case doctors fear that the cancer may grow and endanger the life of the patient, a limb amputation may be needed.

CMCS Health is the best medical tourism company that assists in Low-cost and successful orthopedic surgery with the best and most experienced orthopedic surgeons for foreign patients. A trusted and reliable name for orthopedic surgery and joint replacements among foreign patients.

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Source: https://cmcshealth1.blogspot.com/2024/10/orthopedic-surgery-and-joint-surgery-in.html

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